Julie Ottosen

by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

I colored it... I'm not a fan of the bg, or the title I put in the corner.. but I like the other stuff.. lol. XD;;;

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y133d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (27)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 05:55 PM

oh julie its beautiful!you really did a great job!its so beautiful! ^^ lol i really dont know what else to say!beautiful isnt even enough word to explin how awsome it looks!!!!!keep up the awsome work!you reallyare great! ^_^

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 06:01 PM

-ish speachless- Wow, Oasis...this...this...is beautiful, I ahm at a loss for words, there's so much emotion in the pic, you should be verhy verhy proud of yurself -nodnod-

-once Elf is out of her trance she does the happy first comment dance and then prances off- X3

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 06:04 PM

-snaps fingers- Oh drat someone posted before meh XD oh well, -prances off again-

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 06:05 PM

aw shucks Julie, you beat me to it :( ah well, you get two of them! >_< mine better than urs! shuvs Tacken off the keyboard pretty good oasis, but doesn't she have hazel eyes? ^^

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 07:45 PM

Hazel is another color of purple, like a light purple. I think I know what hazel is.. >> But if it uploaded looking different on here, then that's not my fault, it does that when uploaded onto the web, things look darker than they were origianlly designed to be.. >> I still can't wait to see your version. I know you wanted to color it and all, but so did I. XD;;;

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 06:09 PM

Wow.Luffy.It looks soooooooo much better colored.Not that the sketch didn't.;)Great job,Jules.Keep it up!

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 11:33 PM

Um... Acctully hazel is a mix of green and brown. At least thats what people tell me when they look at my eyes. Lavender is a light purple color, so is lilac, but not hazel. But anyway. This pic. is absolutely beautiful! The coloring is amazing! I wish I had your skills. Keep up the good work. The ware stile is cool

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 07:32 AM

eep!? another jet? okey dokey... but your right, i thouht hazel was a mix of green an brown (i kinda knew this cos i have hazel/acorn eyes). i neomailed u the URL julie

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 10:58 AM

Oh... okay then. I thought it was more of a gray-purple color. what do I know. thanx everyone for pointing that out. XD I'll fix it accordingly. Thanx.

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 10:40 AM

Awww.. this ish so sweet. Diara ish so purdy too... I luve the background, geez.. Now I really want your adobe version, mine sux.. kicks her version Anyway, I have a question.. what font do you use to do your "Art©Oasis21" thing? o.o I really like it..

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 10:42 AM

aw, i love it julie, it is dark, mmmm and i like matrixs paw, perfest colour. hazel is kinda greeny brown if u wanna know, which i doubt you do ;P great colouring on the fur, it looks more fur-like and the bg is, interesting hehe

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 10:51 AM

Wow, the coloring made the difference! It looks great, I love the stripes on her back, they are cool. Great Job!

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 11:10 AM

AWESOME!!! AWESOOMME!!! runs around in circles, then falls over The furriness looks so real, and Matrix's expression is incredible! The background reminds me of water... glances at lake in backyard, then back at background Hehe, back-back-back... dies Sorry, I'm crazy today.

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 09:32 PM

Hey Elf!i was the first 1 to comment!!!See?points to my name at the top My name is the first one there...that means I WAS FIRST...innocent look on face hehehe...Julie.....this is a really great piccy...GOOD WORK! thumbs up KEEP IT UP!

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 09:46 PM

I like the title. The bgs cool. I LOVE IT. Its sooo cool Julie, keep up the good work :).

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 09:51 PM

oooOOOOoooo u fixeh da shoulder ^^ yes yes muchly better ^^ but hmm... Diara should have been a lttle more built too... but MEH! they so pretty together ^^ hehehehe as for the eye, hazel is a light brown color... but honestly... i really don't care what color her eyes are... since in this picy she looks really beautiful ^^ (even if she looks a little monotone) but again... meh.... you drew her really pretty but still have the "grrr" kind of look ^^ i dunno.... but she doesn't look soft like Jas .... but oooooo i love this pic ^^ almost as much as the Kai and Lanna "Possessed" piccy ^^

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 09:56 PM

Thanks for the comics! And beautiful artwork here!

As for those who criticise you, don't you know, you're supposed to do things only one way, no learning or growing allowed! ;) I like all the art I've looked at here, in all the styles. How boring if you had to stick with only one! Keep growing and learning! Thank you for sharing your art with us!

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 02:19 AM

i don't know if anyone asked this question or not (someone probably had, but im to lazy to read) so, why is Matrix's hand...err, paw or whatever you want to call it, red?

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 06:25 AM

to mystic wolf person. look on his petpage on neopets, it tells you bout the paw thing there

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 10:22 PM

It's beautiful!! And iluffkougras, it's nice of you to tell us that we can find out why his paw is red on his pet page but I don't know his full name. So can you tell me? AND JULIE!! WONDERFUL PICK!! What's the font? It's cool!

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 10:34 PM

Thanx. You can find his full name on the outline of this very piccy, or on his picture too, that's a page back I think.. but to save you time.. It's MatrixDoom. And the font is called Roughedge. Tis one of my favorites. ^^;;

Posted: Monday, 10 February, 2003 @ 10:57 AM

Awesome Jules..was not expecting this to happen ^^; And Matrix looks so seriously snuggly for some odd reason..Hehe

Posted: Monday, 10 February, 2003 @ 04:45 PM

Well, it hasn't actually.. happened persay.. just me being presumptuous. XD;;; hehe. But I liked drawing this no-the-less.. even if this actual arrangment dun happen for long long long long long time. XD lol!

Posted: Tuesday, 11 February, 2003 @ 09:12 PM

Wow...thats looks a lot better coloured. Is Matrix a fire lupe? I think that the title suits the picture. Well got to go. C ya!!!

Posted: Tuesday, 11 February, 2003 @ 10:14 PM

No...... he's a shadow lupe. XD Silly. =P thanx for the comment. ^^;;

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 08:28 PM

Oh wow! This looks AWSOME! I LOVE it! ^^ Shes so pretty! And he looks cute too ;) GREAT job!

Posted: Sunday, 23 February, 2003 @ 04:53 PM

OMG this is a FABULOUS picture I red matrix's story Its great too My drawings are so bad XD. oh well I woant to RP with you SO badly anyways i luff this piccy

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