Alicia Zillhart

True Reason for Tenchi's Power
True Reason for Tenchi's Power by @aliczill (Alicia Zillhart)

Something Washu has been trying to figure out for a while but never has. Did you ever notice how Tenchi can hear Ryoko when she's in trouble no matter where she is and no one else hears her? Or how Tenchi will defend Ryoko when she's in danger and even draw forth that Jurian power deep within him. His power is drawn out by Ryoko, and he is always there for her through thick and thin. Just incase you don't understand my thinking in the pic, it shows Tenchi in his Jurian form reaching out for Ryoko. Sad on one side and a bit scared or angered on the other. Another thing, I'm a Tenchi and Ryoko fan... so don't tell me that Tenchi loves Ayeka.. cause it ain't true! :P Artwork © Copyright 2002 Alicia Zillhart

22y38d ago
Other Work By @aliczill

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 20 May, 2002 @ 12:28 AM

Oh, that is so true starts crying It's so prettyful! whaaaa T_T

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