El Thorvaldo Moderator

The Dread Pirate Locke
The Dread Pirate Locke by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 19th submission to DYOS VI.

Man, Thorvald, if I didn't know better, I'd say your fears were greatly exaggerated.

2006 was the year I began to discover the whole webcomic world (loosely parallel, yet ironically unconnected to my discovery of DYOS). One of the comics to make it onto my bookmarks during the First Voyage was D.C. Simpson's legendary Ozy and Millie, one of the many disciples of the Calvin and Hobbes ethos, and even more rambunctious. My favourite side character was Locke, by virtue of his childish audacity, which rivalled even Millie's at times.* My motivation to import him into DYOS was mainly to see more of him: his third arc took place in 2002 and he wouldn't appear again until the comic's end in 2008. At the same time, his personality was absolutely perfect for DYOS, and his scenes worked particularly well with my C+P style at the time.

With the exception of the S.S. Banana, all of Locke's scenes were taken from the 2001 and 2002 arcs. Such was my admiration of Simpson's work that I also clipped the signature from random strips, featured every time Locke appeared. Since I started scanning in 2008, I have drawn him myself in the '01–'02 style.

Ozy and Millie © D.C. Simpson.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013]

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