El Thorvaldo Moderator

A Union Rises
A Union Rises by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My tenth submission to DYOS VI.

I knew that if I was to have any hope of catching up with DYOS' iconic space adventures, I'd need to modernize my equipment. While a grand strategy did lie behind the creation of the Eastern Union, the spur to invade Russia as depicted here was actually quite spontaneous, jumping over two other cartoons I'd conceived. It's a testament to how laid-back the story was that I could pull something like this off in a single comic without anyone batting an eyelid; today I habitually grill @GenMarshall on the particulars of his original nation.

The invasion map and accompanying song is homage to Dad's Army. I would revisit it in DYOS 10.5, with greater finesse.

It was only later that I realized there is only one panel break in the whole page.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013]

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