John Rios

Yoshimi Page 5
Yoshimi Page 5 by @deaddays (John Rios)

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! EEEEEETS DONE! Here's the last page of "Yoshimi" the comic strip! Boy that was fun! I'll probably do more later. She's great. Lookit how cute she is, and here's a cute little ending to boot. Well, that's that. I'm really happy with the steps I took in this comic. I feel that I grew a little bit and made some good choices. I'm trying to find a way to meld what photoshop can do with my cartooning style without making it seem too out of place. I'm really happy with the result. Especially since I did it all in 1 week, between work and finals! Very poud indeed. Anyway, There it is. Hope you've all enjoyed it! Thanks to everyone who read it (obviously) and to those who voiced their opinion and even those who didn't! You're all badass. Later


'Cause she knows that it'd be tragic if those evil robots win I know she can beat them

Oh Yoshimi, they don't believe me but you won't let those robots eat me Yoshimi, they don't believe me but you won't let those robots eat me

Yoshimi Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Teen (LV)
Finished Work
21y24d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 19 May, 2003 @ 03:37 PM

Dam you're good!! More theese!! So.. so... cool! style! More this!

Posted: Monday, 19 May, 2003 @ 06:29 PM
One word: WOW. I'm totally impressed with this entire project. BRAVO! Oh, and I loved the last panel on page 4- you pulled off the blurry effect without making me dizzy, which is pretty hard to do. Downloading the song to go with the comic also helped with the mood of the comic a bit, but it's not required to enjoy this piece. More. MORE I SAY!

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