Kaliko Rosa

Got Yourself a Gun
Got Yourself a Gun by @kalirosa (Kaliko Rosa)

Got Yourself a Gun

Type: Regular Colour Drawing

Medium/Tools: Black marker/copic marker, red pencil crayon, Curry's india ink, Kimberly's Watercolour Pencils, black pen, calligraphy pen

Based on: Red & black rectangle "Sopranos" Style/Concept original. Character design based on four Saiyuki playing cards. Text concept from "Sopranos" series. Lyrics from Nas "Got Yourself a Gun".

Canvas: 8"x11" Card paper

Date Created: September 28-29, 2002

Anime: Saiyuki

Characters: Sanzo, Son Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai

My Comments:


To everyone and especially to Molly-chan, I am SOOO sorry that this SUCCCKS!!!!!! Yes, sucks. I hate the fact that I wasted my weekend working on this sighs miserably It all started when I bought these super cool Saiyuki and Kenshin playing cards, and needed to do a fanart. What started as a simple fanart got complex, as this one demanded four characters to be carefully inked, and the whole thing to be coloured in three different mediums. It ended up taking longer than I had thought it would.

The colouring and medium-mixing effect I like. Even though it took fooreeeverr, I'm glad it has that computer-layout like quality. I like how the pencil crayons, ink, marker and watercolor pencil worked together to bring the exact effect I had hoped for, with soft coloured "tone theme" characters and a strong, bold background. I also like how the letters were adapted from the Sopranos text style, and how the lyrics of "Got Yourself a Gun" looks for a bg, seeing as each of the boys have a gun in this pic, although Goku's is kinda hard to see ^^:;;;

The reason I dislike it is first of all, there is a HUGE FREAKING MISTAKE SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARTWORK o_o;;;;; . lol, if you didn't notice it right off as I hadn't noticed it the long hours I slaved over this but did notice RIGHT when it was done, LOL (ooh my luck is great.... ¬¬**), the word "Saiyuki" is spelt WRONG.Somehow, the "u" and "y" got inverted in places, so now it's like "Saiuyki" oO. Also, Hakkai and Gojyo (the two on the right) look fairly decent, but Sanzo (the first one) scares me (LOL), and Goku's eyes are too wide apart (arrgh), and I can complain forever, but I won't agonize ya ^__~

This should go out to Molly-chan who first got me on this cool series, but I hope to dedicate her a better Saiyuki pic in the future ^^ I'll make up for it Molly-chan, I promise! This one is just.. meeeeh, not worth the efforts on it. Anyway, thanks for viewing ^^ I promise a better pic next time hopefully!

Peace. Love. Anime.

Kaliko Rosa


Finished Work
21y326d ago
Other Work By @kalirosa

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