Meatch Cleaver

Slaugherworld 12
Slaugherworld 12 by @MeatchCleaver (Meatch Cleaver)

The order of medical butchers has been formed 7 centuries ago by the rabbit king with the sole purpose of extending the life of his wife and queen.

Ever since the start of the conflict with the holy land of Rokka Dyst, the order has been deployed as combat medics. Centuries of unethical experimentations and "cutting logs" made the medical butchers far more effective at ending lives rather than saving them...

Mature (V)
Finished Work
12d16h ago
Other Work By @MeatchCleaver

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 @ 06:15 PM
Rating: 5

Don't worry, after the War the US will grant you immunity to inhale your research. :^D :^D ||||||:^{D>

Seriously, the discordant rift between le "innocent" bnuuygrill & the viscera museum is such a hecking feel.

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 09:37 PM

@Thorvald: Don't worry, war crimes aren't illegal in her country :3

Its good to know, I'm getting somewhere with my doodles

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