Meatch Cleaver

Slaughterworld 13
Slaughterworld 13 by @MeatchCleaver (Meatch Cleaver)

Mother, queen, general, snuff movie critic, game show host and psychic suprume, Vizmus the Spirit Butcher has ruled Yiewtopia for the last 7 centuries.

Left heavily mutilated after a non stop, week long battle where Vizmus single handely fend off thousands of rebels, she was saved from death by a young monk with an unhealthy obsession for "experimental medicine".Even since then, Vizmus and the Saint King Ragrash have turned the whole dimension into a slaughterhouse, converting the population into blood sacrifices and test dummies for the royals ongoing medical experiments with magic and science, all in hopes of restoring Vizmus to her prime.

Realizing these daily mass sacrifices were doing a dent in Yiewtopia's population growth, Vizmus and Ragrash declared war on the Holy Land of Rokka Dyst, hoping to enslave the realm and turn it into their new feeding ground.

Hopefully, the holy blood and flesh of these blessed creatures will fully heal Vizmus and who knows, maybe even ascend her to godhood.

Mature (V)
Finished Work
12d17h ago
Other Work By @MeatchCleaver

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 10:05 PM
Rating: 5

You know, given your life experience I wouldn't be surprised if this whole universe is an elaborate parable about capitalism. HAV - Thomas Edison

Posted: Friday, 21 June, 2024 @ 10:16 PM

@Thorvald: I swear, the message I want people to get when looking at my drawings and tid-bits of lore is: "Holy shit, that guy really hated his job".

So far I've been successful

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