
  • LittlePrayer-Forever Dreaming
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/thumbnails/audio/small/8afac0e8cdbcde7479aeef853d60a7464149d14e.jpg
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/originals/audio/8afac0e8cdbcde7479aeef853d60a7464149d14e.mp3

LittlePrayer-Forever Dreaming by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

April 25th 2019
-Forever Dreaming-

Music is ©2024 J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD
Image found on google images and is © of its respective holder I do not own the artwork.
All Rights on the Music fully Reserved. 

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Average Rating:

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 06:15 PM
Rating: 5

This is unbelievably sweet.

*reads tags* 

Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) [V1]

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2024 @ 02:18 AM

@Thorvald:It was meant to be a cat purring ASMR track but it turned into a personal piece cause I had to stop multiple times to wipe away tears.  How I managed to finish this track is a miracle in itself because of it, I am very happy with the end result.

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  • Any Kind - Self-explanatory.
  • Casual Comments - Comments of a more social nature.
  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.