Lissa B. Treiman

from dust.(<--- observe.. lissa's attempt at a title with some depth..)
from dust.(<--- observe.. lissa's attempt at a title with some depth..) by @LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)

i appologise for the recent lack of uploadage (...heh... well, it's a word now!)... i've been working a lot on 14 (for those of you just tuning in, it's my comic-in-the-making), and alternately i've been procrastinating on working on 14 by making a special Halloween comic (in the works!) and stuff like this thing (indicates image)...

i fell asleep reading an issue of Hell Boy last night (greeeaaat comic.... like x-files meets...... meets...... i dunno, some crazy RPG... delves into a lot of mythology and folklore) by Mike Mignola. I love the man... he's got the greatest comic-book style, and awsome use of color, and his writing's terrific to boot ^-^ (he also did art direction for disney's Atlantis)

so anyway, thought i'd get into a bit of folklore myself, borrowing a bit from Mignola's style. This is a Golem, a demon of sorts out of an old Jewish legend. The story in breif: the village was under attack. In an act of desperation, the local rabbi utters a hebrew incantation (the supposed words spoken have long since been lost) and summons a man-demon made from the earth to destroy the oppressors.... which it does very well. the problem arises when it starts to destroy the townspeople. uh-oh... so uttering more hebrew verses (again, lost in the sands of time) the rabbi destroys the creature he created... there's a lesson in it about the right to give life, but that's really not important ;) they made an x-files episode based on teh legend... it was neat

the pics not quite done... i'm roughing out the background, but i'm taking my time... i have a tendancy to ruin my own art with awful backgrounds >:p

(micron pen, tria marker) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Lissa B. Treiman

21y316d ago
Other Work By @LissaBT

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 02 November, 2002 @ 08:22 PM

Golem golem golem I made it out of clay And when it's dry and ready Then--ArrghghhharrggghhhUGNH...

Hee. I couldn't resist. Yay for creepy man-made demonish weapons of mass destruction! Hmm. I read a book by Terry Pratchett(huzzah!) that talked about golems quite a bit, though without mentioning the actual religious background and blah blah blah. Yeh. 'Tis called Feet of Clay, and I'd recommend it, though you'll prolly ignore this and pretend the comment never existed...or something. Anyway, very nice pic. The shading and overall dark-'n'-schpooky-ness of it contrasts creepily with the eyes and blood. They haunt meeeee with their glooooooooow... And the anatomy is really neat-looking as well. Er...yeah. I'm done. Can I go home now?

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