Julie Ottosen

You're not //that// surprised are you?
You're not //that// surprised are you? by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is a sketch I did... obviously.. XD But anyways.. it's of mai boy Ethan and mai friends chica Jenna (Wesa gots to cont. that rp girly! lol)

Oh, and if some peeps be all.. "but what about Lydia?" I'll just have to say.. I never said it was a permanant arrangement...

I still agree about him being 'free' XD

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y331d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (12)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 06 November, 2002 @ 06:35 PM

hm hm hm...you sure don't take long to get something down on paper do you? lol. dun mind me. been a fan of yer artwork for a while now. friend of mine showed me a few pictures. and i've been checkin back just about every day since then. glares i hate you...lol...j/k. i'm jealous though. wish i was that talented when it came to drawing. ah well. life goes on! keep up the good work! ^_^ pokes Ethan, just cuz. then scurries away

Posted: Wednesday, 06 November, 2002 @ 08:43 PM

i know i just told you how much i LOVE it hearts * on msn but i have to let all the other commenting people know that I LOVE IT!!!happee dance!!* Jenna and Ethan look sooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooood

Posted: Thursday, 07 November, 2002 @ 05:51 PM

....Considering how often new pictures pop up here, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me that you simply plug yourself into your computer and upload the pictures directly from your brain! lol! I STILL can't comprehend how you can draw them so fast AND well ; )

Posted: Friday, 08 November, 2002 @ 06:14 PM

O_O Wow,this is good.I too have been a fan of your art work for a long time.You can draw anthros so good and im always checking back here to see what new pictures you've drawn.And always,each one is better than or as good the last.Ive never seen a bad picture.^_^

Posted: Wednesday, 13 November, 2002 @ 11:45 PM

Here's a little hint.. I don't upload my bad pictures... ^_~ But thank you! I try. ^^

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 07:38 AM

Well, like i said befoe, Jenna can have him, Lydia who, who should care about how lydia feels, she is just a toy to him, someone who he can lie to and all, but shrugs oh well, if he is goin to be like that, then he dont deserve her, she deserves someone that doesnt lie to her, like one of my friends rhonnie, i have alot of anythro lupes with her, and she has always wanted to rp one of her males with lydia, Julie, i hope ethan is happy, i think he would be happioer if lydia is dead, then maybe she wouldne be so "Jealous", by the way, check her pet page i am thinking of adding a story to it

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 12:11 PM

You're right... she does deserve someone that won't lie to her. I know it, so does he. Never said he was a nice guy.... Again, to say what I did before, he doesn't want to be w/ Jenna, like that... she has a boyfriend... Oo' Sorry again Jess that you're taking this all so very personally, I myself didn't want to hurt you... One of the reasons I started rping him with other ppl, is because I liked rping him and you weren't around that much. The more I rped him, the more I found out what kind of personality and such he had. This is who he is. It may be wrong and it may hurt... he's not heartless, he cares about what Lydia thinks, he just gives in too easily...

Oh and thanx for making this like the second and last comment you've ever put on my gallery btw...

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 10:43 PM

Jess's anger makes me giggle teehee

Posted: Wednesday, 13 November, 2002 @ 11:09 PM

Ok, just a quick post to let everyone know, im sorry for reacting how i did,and posting here, i was just upset ^^, anyhow, i hope Ethan will be happy with his life, just as lydia will be ^^, she is moving on now, no need to cry for something you cant change, and all that stuff, well, bye smiles great pic by the way

Posted: Monday, 09 December, 2002 @ 06:07 PM

this guy reaaaaaally eurges for sex doesn't he?

Posted: Wednesday, 18 December, 2002 @ 11:52 AM

What is Ethan's real name on neopets?

Posted: Sunday, 29 December, 2002 @ 10:12 PM

o0oo0o0o0o0o! It's really good! Ethan is mah fav character of yours! He's sooo cool! I just recently tried to od an Anthro and I just have to say that I like it soo much better than regular RP! But enough about me, I loove all of your drawings of Ethan, well actually I looove all of your drawings. You are the best!! You come up with the best characters ans stuff! GREAT JOB JULIE!!!

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