Awwww! ^_^ This is so cute! ^^ they are adorable! :) Wonderful job!
Watching a scary movie by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)
This is a piccy of meh gelert Akaroes (or just Roe) and my friends lupess Theo (Sorry I forget her full name). Anyhoo... they're watching a horror movie "Scream" ((yeah, I know they're anthros, and the movie has humans in it.. but =P)) Anyhoo... hehe..
Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young
Comments & Critiques (10)
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One time I was at my uncles he and my parents were watching Scream...and I was suposed to be asleep...muhahaha but I watched it..I had to sleep on the floor and they didn't know I was awake...nightmears for a few days ^^" hehehe but you draw anthros soooo well ^^
Hi. n_n I know you don't really know me, or anything, but I just HAD to comment on this, because it reminds me exactly of me and my crush. XD We almost look like the two of them. It's uncanny. blink Anyways, the pic is lovely. They make an adorable couple!
hehe i love it! that's exactly how it is lol! you are a wonderful artist and i enjoy looking at your art! keep drawing!