El Thorvaldo Moderator

'The Greatest Booby Trap Ever Set'
'The Greatest Booby Trap Ever Set' by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 32nd submission to DYOS X.ii. [link]

Although I'd conversed with lord_joakim about the Gem prior to these comics, from here on out everything is by me. He didn't actually have much of a framework himself, meaning I was basically working from a blank slate. The first glaring error I needed to correct was the notion that l_j was an anomaly: if the Gem operated on a simple binary kill-switch, it really wasn't worth seeking out by anyone except the Chosen, and shouldn't have attracted the sensation that it had. I was facilitated by the fact that the confrontation in the Gem Chamber was only the second incident, and was really only an opportunistic shout-out to Indiana Jones that I could discount as the real red herring.

This way, it's much more dangerous.

choxorn © himself.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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