El Thorvaldo Moderator

Orthodoxy and Olive Oil
Orthodoxy and Olive Oil by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My sixth submission to DYOS VI.

Yeah, I drew a total blank for this title.

Until my chat with DYOS Immortal CurtSibling the other day, I'd forgotten just how evangelical @GenMarshall used to be. In a preceding comic, he was consulting with Pope Benedict on how to handle my 'barbarous' forces; I can forgive that term given my Viking theme, but the whole business of 'heathens' sits very uncomfortably with me today. Fortunately that sort of confessional lens has vanished from his storytelling.

The real-life irony is that we're both Catholic, but I guess since I was technically confirmed under the eastern rite I'm still a dirty heretic. =P

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013.]

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