Julie Ottosen

new lupe
new lupe by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is my newest lupe KaoruMeison. As you can see, I based his look off of a pandabear. ^^; Ain't he cute? He's still a puppy right now. Yep.

I wanted to put in a cool bg of some kinda, make it look Japanese like, but I didn't know how to do it exactly, and I am too lazy to try and find something to look at for reference. I probably would've liked to put in some Japanese writing in the corner (since I've seen they do that sometimes, more than they're sig) but since I don't know japanese, (and again, too lazy...) I just decided to forget it.

So the bg is plain. shrug All that really matters is Kaoru anyways. XD. Enjoy.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y26d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (21)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 09:37 PM

I like how the position and eyes look.Especially the eyes being different colors.BTW you can always call upon me for some Japanese writing.

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 09:46 PM

AWWWWWW GIMME GIMME! this is just SOOOO CUTE i just wanna HUUUG him! hugs it anyways Can I take him home? I love how you made him chubby like a panda! and the eyes are so cool! just.....GIMME EM! steals em and runs away.

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 10:38 PM

Aww!!! Kaoru ish soooo kawaii!! huggles him to death you draw such cute puppies.. i hate you for that. XD

steals your drawing talent and runs HAHAHAH!! dies

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 11:11 PM

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw! So cute! How are you able to draw the most exelently (my spelling ish bad shiznitles right now..) cutieful puppays! Steals Kaori! Mine ALL MINE heehee

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 09:03 AM

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this! I love pandas more the life itself! Meep! takes puppy and runs off with him

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 09:05 AM

Sorry, got so caught up in the moment forgot to say something actually useful. The colors are just right, beleive me, I know pandas. Most ppl think that pandas tails are white, but they are wrong, you got it right.

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 10:33 AM

Aaw he is so precious that is such a good idea for a lupe you know. I dunno why but he reminds me of my lupe Paint_splash probbaby the whole black and white thing going on. I love the eyes ^-^

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 06:18 PM

hhhoooaaaa! I never saw such a cute pup in my lil life! I like the way you shaded in yellow on his white instead of grey!

I also admire his calm eyes who stares, he looks adorable by the way! like a really cute plushie! (^_^)

well, continue like that!

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 07:15 PM

Awwwwwwww heartmelt Panda puppy!!!!! melts into a gross puddle of Laura Hes sooo cute...till he wets on the carpet anyways ;3

Posted: Tuesday, 27 May, 2003 @ 09:39 PM

DWAAAAA!!!!!!! SO CUTE!!! HORRGLES heem I LOVE Panda's!!! ^^ I always have! Ever sence I was a little girl! I have this giant Panda Stuffed animal named Oreo, I got him for my first Christmas! hee hee! And I used to have a hamster named Panda... But I loooovvve how you made him look a little bigger and floofier! And two toned eyes are awsome! he's just the cutest! I can't wait to see him all growed up!! ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 29 May, 2003 @ 03:14 PM

Hey! Pretty good picture, I must admit. But... somethign about teh way you positioned his eyes (as much as I lvoe teh way they look) seems somewhat off. But, the way his body is positioned and the good coloring pretty much makes up for that.

Keep up the good work, and if you're ever up for an art trade, I've got plenty of time O___o;

Posted: Friday, 30 May, 2003 @ 02:38 PM

He's absolutely adorable! huggles him His markings are perfect and his eyes are absolutely beautiful, very life-like. Once again you have amazed me with your awesome talent XD

I'd just like to mention one thing. You said that you'd like to make the bg "Japanese" and I just wanted to let you know that pandas are from China, not Japan. I'm not trying to be rude, I just thought I'd point out that little mistake to you ^^ Once again, the picture is gorgeous.

Posted: Friday, 30 May, 2003 @ 07:55 PM

Oops!!! oO;;; laughs nervously Well, I feel stupid now. Eh-heh. Thanx for pointing that out. I think his name is Japanese too.. >.o Oops again!!! AAAHHH!!! Oh well.. no harm done... >>; right? Thanx for telling me though. I meant chinese.. yeah.. yeah.. chinese is what I meant.. <<;;

Posted: Thursday, 05 June, 2003 @ 01:39 AM

Purty ^-^ Reminds me of Atazoth, she's got panda markings on her too...just one thing i'd like to point out...his front leg looks a bit funky some how O_o;; But apart from that, it's kawaii ^__^;;

Posted: Monday, 09 June, 2003 @ 11:50 PM

Not trying to be rude, but I think half the name is Japanesse, and half is Chinesse. I know Kaoru is Japanesse, not sure about Meison though. I better just ask meh aunt, I come from a chinesse family and dont know this stuff O_O; Ahh, well, who cares?! O an, puts up barrier around pup HES JULIES PUP! picks up ax Julies! Not to be stolen!

Last thing-I'm gettink de feelink dat you've seen Ruroni Kenshin. First, I found Sai's real name, forgets it but it has battousai and kenshin in there, and Kaoru is from the show too. I should know. I've seen all the sagas outside of the US, and there's lots of them. ACCURSED CARTOON NETWORK! Deleted the cussing, blood, and themesongs!

Posted: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 @ 12:05 PM

You're not rude at all. I know this after the fact... -_-; I got confused where Panda's were from, thinking Japan and not China, and asked a friend to help me think of a Japanese name, so she looked for some and I took those... they're both Japanese. My bad... but not much I can do about it now. So oh well... so he's a little confused. XD;; And also, as far as the names are concerned on Sai. I did not name him, he was adopted and I didn't really name Kaoru here either, I had help. I have never seen that show, but have only heard a tiny bit about it from others. Other than that, i know nothing about it.

Posted: Thursday, 19 June, 2003 @ 09:58 PM

It's ADORABLE!huggles himI want him*lol*Hesh suu coote!I swear you rock at art*sighs*I wish I could do that*lol*

Posted: Sunday, 22 June, 2003 @ 10:40 AM

Aw Jules it's SO cute! I'm glad you showed the world your faboulous (sp?) talent for art and whoever hates your art is just jealous that your art is so good and that they can't draw! I gotta admit I'm envious of your art and skills but even though mine aren't too good I love them. Will be sending fanart soon.

Posted: Friday, 27 June, 2003 @ 03:54 PM

Man, I show ed this piccy to my lupess kandi-246 and she about fainted. She really liked his pattern. AWESOME WORK JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 09:23 PM

Fwee! He's kawaii! X3 Can I have a plooshie of him? steals I luff the leekle pads on his back paw. You know, when I was little, I thought my dog had gum on the bottom of her feet. XD Anyways, keep up the great work.

Posted: Saturday, 05 July, 2003 @ 11:50 PM

What a doll. His eye colors are almost the same a another character I own. Purple and green seems to be common yet uncommon lately e.e

As far as backgrounds go... Maybe a bamboo frame {since the panda's natural diet consists of bamboo chutes} or something with some Chinese characters. Just some suggestions.

Pat yourself on the back for some supreme originality. I'll keep an eye out for art theives for ya.

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