Julie Ottosen

Painful revelations
Painful revelations by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is my friend Carmen's lupess Halle. In a rp I found out what she hid- why she doesn't like ppl to see her, cuz she was tortured and cut up by some ppl. So I was inspired to draw this. I guessed on her scars, cuz I'm not entirely sure how they actually look... but I think it turned out well. I took the pose from a Victoria Secret catalog. ^^; (cept the girl in there was wearing undies.. lol)

So yeah. Hope you like it Carm! (I'm sure you've seen in on my DA already. ^^; )

{{and just more fair warning, anyone who disses my friend Carmen and says how her art is stolen from mine, I will find you and poke your eyes out with hot needles!! So stop saying it!! She's not a theif, she's my friend!! So there!! >P }}

Halle © Carmen Bugh Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y30d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 08:18 PM

This is really awesome. I'm loving the pose--and her face, the nose is really impressive! Great job on this one!


Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 09:39 PM

It looks really nice and I like the way the scars look.I knew I wasn't the only one that uses VS catalogs to draw.There are many uses for them, no.

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 11:05 PM

I just had to comment! SO PURDY!!!

Wow...I'M LIKe speechless! The scars look great !

Posted: Monday, 26 May, 2003 @ 06:14 PM

Hey yo, really pretty, I don't see anything wrong, the colour of her hair is impressively well lighted, the shadow on her body is wonderful!

The back ground, maybe thought by other simple, is out going and masivly well done! I also remarked the beautiful way her legs are together to the end, and her stomach, it's divine!

well, in one word " cool" would be my description, I really like it, and her pink signs on her belly is really pretty!

Posted: Tuesday, 27 May, 2003 @ 09:32 PM

WOW!!! This is GREAT!!! The pose is so cool!!! I LOVE her face!!! And the coloring... Ohhh! And her hair!!! You rule Julie hug ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 29 May, 2003 @ 01:58 PM

Yes, of course I've already seen this on DA... I go there before I ever go here anymore, lol. But, I just wanted to thank you once again for the totally beautiful picture of Halle. You did a perfectly wonderful job on this. I never had a set design for the scars, so this is good, lol ^^ Her scars could've gone down further, but meh... tis still much much much better then I could ever do. When I saw it for the first time, I think my jaw just about fell off, lol. I just stared at the screen saying "Holt sh*t" to myself over and over again. Tis very nice of you to think of meh ^^ Hugz Thank you so very much!!

Posted: Saturday, 31 May, 2003 @ 11:29 AM

You never fail to make my day. Every time I see your art, its so good. I think ive seen this pose ^^ Its so good the way you take an old pose, and turn it into your own. Your so amazing. DEFINATLY idol worth ^^ ((you were already my idol, but, you are even MORE now ^^))

Posted: Monday, 09 June, 2003 @ 11:45 PM

I'd just love to beat whoever did dat to her over the head with an iron mace, covered in spikes. You've got good judgement, little kids do come here so good rating. I'm ranting again...oops. drools over text Where do ya get the text in these, its all different and shinyness..

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 09:18 PM

Wow! Yeah, the face ish very pretty. I love the way you do the abdominal muscles in pics like these... stares You make me hate my own art, Jules! XD

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