El Thorvaldo Moderator

On Your Side
On Your Side by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 51st submission to DYOS X.ii. [link]


So begins the epic journey of Rudolph and Marsha, in which I engage in character contrasts at just about every opportunity. Although she was promoted to de facto commando by virtue of the rescue mission, in many ways she's still fresh out of the firing range. Here I'm playing up her youthful impatience: as a result of her unconventional entry into the armed forces, she was never really treated to the soldier's discipline, with the result that she doesn't quite grasp the meaning of a chain of command. (@GenMarshall misinterprets this, and in a later thread this episode is referenced with the suggestion that it's the officer who was at fault.) Note also the reflection of black-and-white Coruscanti morality, encapsulated in the blunt question: "Schäffer's dead?"

The dialogue in Panel 10 is a tongue-in-cheek response to a comic in DYOS XI by Gruekiller.

It seems as though every single panel I was drawing taillesskangaru a different way; some of them were great and I later used for reference, others make me want to redo the whole thing. This is the first time he and Hannibal have met face-to-face since DYOS 6, when both men were vastly different people. Ironically, while I wrote this under the impression that Hannibal's sleuthing had brought him up to speed on tailless' secret acquaintances, a later statement from the contributor himself reveals that Hannibal actually knows more about tailless' benefactor than he does (a fact of which neither are aware).

This was the first comic uploaded outside of ImageShack after its revised terms of service in 2012 made it virtually unusable for further hosting. ~~It has since changed again into something a bit more sustainable, but once bitten and all that.~~ I briefly used Photobucket, only to learn it resized uploads beyond a certain resolution, then switched to Imgur until I learned it wouldn't store files indefinitely, and finally settled on postimage.org, which while a bit of a pain when it comes to hotlinking certain sizes and resolutions is more reliable than the others I've tried.

Marsha Conrad © @GenMarshall;
taillesskangaru © himself;
Rudolph Krieger © me.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt January 2014.]

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 18 April, 2023 @ 07:28 PM


Posted: Wednesday, 19 April, 2023 @ 05:14 PM

@Warehouse_Rabbit: OK new theory:

Kangaroos are bnuuys that hit the gym.

Posted: Wednesday, 19 April, 2023 @ 10:57 PM
Posted: Thursday, 20 April, 2023 @ 08:20 PM

@Warehouse_Rabbit: "If you want to be as bulky as them, what are they eating to get so muscular? Like, where do they get their protein from?


Atkins Diet BTFO'd

Posted: Sunday, 23 April, 2023 @ 09:43 PM

@Thorvald: A good reason to touch grass everyday

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