Megan Casey

Unicorn (full page)
Unicorn (full page) by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Shiggy! Lookat this! Done completely in school. Over a period of many many months because I kept not working on it for weeks on end. n.n;

But I like how it finally came out... It was all just shaded/coloured sorta with graphite... then I coloured over it. Looks nice... Reminds me of Lavana and Terole. n_n...

Actually coloured the unicorn last. Yep. The tree and the star were done at the same time. Then the sky and grass. Whee! A full page picture with a background! Be frikkin proud o' me!

pokes Monny and Alli and Sabi Yeah -- Monny and Alli and Sabi are my official commentors. .... because they're my only commentors! yay heh. whee. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Megan Casey

Finished Work
21y133d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 23 March, 2003 @ 06:18 PM

woo!Im offical! anyways..bows.. Thou hath been which I hath not seen....err...niffy! Pretty unicorn of purple, ja... surreal...and..pastelly OO.. "OMG!!1 a BaCkgRoUnD!!!1!!!!1!!!!!111111 rolf! lkei, to8ally kewlises!!LOL!!" =p

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 11:34 PM

Notes for Exercise three? O.o Pokes. Preeeeeeetty... And weird. But preeeeeeeetty... Much more work than taking a sharpie and coloring all around the picture... Erm. Like me.

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