Megan Casey

I dare yah...
I dare yah... by @paradox (Megan Casey)


My official fursona, which was designed by the wunnerful Monnahz... there's little changes I made, there used to be a beak, but I changed it to a muzzle...

And of course changes in appearance due to the differences in my style and Monny's style. ...like I can't get the horns the way I want them, so I do them like that. nyer.

eeee...pokes the fursona's face It doesn't look a hella lot like me. hmph. Ah well.

hee hee. Likkle chibi-Verti.. n.n.. mine!

Look! Look! My Pants! Those're my favorite pants. I messed them up a bit, with the writing on them, a lot of it's down too low or my legs are too short in the picture or something, I dunno. Yes, extensions on the bottom.. they got too short for me. Those strange reddish boot-shoes would be my steel-toed boots. I think I made them a bit too big. Ah well. And the weird whitish area on my shirt, you might be able to make it out -- it says "memory." It's actually in a.. courier, I guess, font on the shirt.. there's a little poem scribed on the back, but you can't see it. Obviously. I forgot to colour my kick arse necklace that I got for x-mas.. and I don't remember if you can see the right wrist in the picture... If you can, it's a shotbead chain wrapped around it five times.... their's usually a clasp thing on them, but mine, it was taken off and two of the shotbeads were welded or soddered together. whee. I don't think you can see that wrist though. Can't remember!

lalala... ... ....whee. I don't think there's anything else to blather on about. Yep. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Megan Casey

Finished Work
21y133d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 23 March, 2003 @ 06:29 PM

sqiggles Devious lil' angle Verti tryin' hard ta be a good boy..^^p

I like the inking, yiss yiss! secretly jots down color info and hides it

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 11:30 PM

Drools. Oh, /man/ that's COOL! Jealous of the uberly cute little winged creature. And loves the fursona. Sniffs and goes to a little corner to scribble.

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