Julie Ottosen

only an animal?
only an animal? by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is my werelupe Quetoka. I had a halloween lupe once.. he's in frozenland. I could get another one.. we'll see if I do.. but shrug Anyways.. I spent several hours on this.. I'm pretty happy w/ the results. nod

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y58d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (14)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 23 April, 2003 @ 11:21 PM

WEEEE He is so big and fluffy! I love the green eyes and the fluffy-ness... I think hes gonna eat me... -shivers- Ill be on the lookout -plays with his tail- Love the pose! =P

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 04:18 AM

I love the background on this one... and there isn't many words to describe how good it is. The phrase down the bottom suits it very well. -nodnod- I always liked Quetoka. -glomps him-

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 07:38 AM

yay quetoka! ^^ havnt seen im for a while, last time he was climbing a roch right? hehe, doin what your'e doin right now you know julsie, redrawing your chars just shows how much you've improved, i really like the feel of this, and quetoka's eye ish all oooooh scary lol just tell meh one thing pls, what settings didi you use for the background? i hav adobe now, dances

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 02:23 PM
Gradient tool: dark blue and light light yellow at a diagnol.
Burn tool/Dodge tool: To darken around the edges and make it more rounded. Then to create the trees and such in the bg by just darkening it to those shapes.
I used the following tools for the bg:
Smudge tool: To blend the trees branches and things to make them look not so sketched and unfinished.
Then I used a Filter. At the top, I said "Filter" then "artistic" then "Watercolor" and that's how the bg became that look. I adjusted it a little and viola! I love the watercolor filter.. it's so nice and fun. ^^; But remember, filters are only to be used on layers that have detail already in them... filters are the last thing you do, not the first.

And thanx for the comment. Hope that helps. ^^; Happy coloring!

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 10:56 AM

Awwwwwwwwwww I like Quetoka, he's now in my fav list with San and Lucas...... He's all sweet and fluffy.......ok well he doesn't look sweet but thats how it always is, they look mean so people think they mean but they really sweet ^_^! Me likes, me likes!

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 12:07 PM

meep!!! hoogle sooo kwoot ^.^;;;;;; gets cut in half meep! o.o;; well anywho scoots away I likes, vedy cute. You should make another, personally I like -any- pet, but erg..never mind...holds up sign that says '10'

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 12:36 PM

Aw he's a cutie. He looks so sad. What happened? Does he have a story behind him or is that just how the pic turned out?? I love the furry look. It looks very real. He's so awesome I really like him!! One tiny thing, just a suggestion for you. It might look a tiny bit better if his head was a bit bigger. Maybe it's just me but it seems a tiny bit small. Or maybe that was the effect you were trying to get. I dunno. ^^; OH! You know what he reminds me of? Hehehe. My fave character BEN!!!!!! I miss that little guy!! He's my total fave! The look of Quetoka reminded me of Ben. Are you still doing stuff with Ben??

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 02:21 PM

No, I was going for that look. The reason his head looks so small is cuz he has so much fur on the back of his neck and shoulders. Believe it or not.. but some ppl and creatures have.. small head.. >>; But yeah.. I'm not changing his head. I likes it.. I worked long time on it.. << so yeah. Thanx though. ^^ Glad ye likes.

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 02:22 PM

Oh, and yesh, mesa still doing stuff w/ Ben. Haven't drawn anything new of him, but I might eventually. Just dun bug me about it. ^_~

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 03:19 PM

HOOOOOOOO!!!! He looks like my dog, lol (^_^) it looks really cool, eventualy, dangerous, but anyway!

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 09:23 PM

Wow..this pic is beautiful! The shading and different textures are absolutly amazing. I really like how you did the fur,and the trees in the background..they look water-colorish n_n. The build of him is really good too,and there is just enough fur to see it. Well done!

Posted: Friday, 25 April, 2003 @ 07:48 PM

Awesome pic Julie, I'm really impressed ^^ The detail is amazing, and the bg is perfect, I like the watercolor effect. 'Tis very much perfect. I noticed immediately, that o course, it's in the same position as the previous pic with Kai you edited. I'm sharp =B Anyshmee, great job, keep up the great work ^^

Posted: Sunday, 27 April, 2003 @ 12:10 PM

WAHEE! A FLOOFEH ONE! tackles and gets head removed oh my, oooopsies. Im getting killed tons today! sighs oweel, im off to go put my head back on. Grrr, i bet this would look 500Xs better without GIF or Jepeg...

Posted: Thursday, 01 May, 2003 @ 12:04 AM

AWWW!!! Oh I LOVe this!!! He's one of my favs. I dont know why... I guess cuz he is so mysterious... And theres something about him that... I dunno draws me to him Oo" Magnet? hee hee hee! ^^;;;; But he looks so sad... I love the pose and his face and everything about this! The bg looks great! little floaty hears

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