Julie Ottosen

broken.. by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is an image done by my friend Laura, and she wanted me to color it and add in those lyrics. I think she has a thing for how I color stuff. ^^; So yeah... Tis Fhaux (Kara's) and her Thomas. Thomas is in love w/ Fhaux but she's not looking for a relationship and he's really broken up about it. It also has to do w/ Ethan.. >>; Cuz Fhaux kinda has feelings for Ethan she's not willing to admit to him, and Thomas is resentful towards Ethan because of it. The only reason Thomas really knows about Ethan at all, is cuz Thomas is Jenna's brother. (Jenna's been w/ Ethan so yeah.. >>)

Anyways... I worked all day on this pretty much.. took awhile to color and to get the layout of the lyrics to look well and junk.. so yeah..

Fhaux © Kara 2002-03 Thomas © Laura Blackbeard 2002-03 Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y61d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (14)

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Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 07:57 PM

sobbles such a sad scene!! Oh julie thank you SO much for coloring this!! this pic means alot to me and i knew i didnt have enough skill to make it look good myself. Once i get over my art block i will draw you things, mesa promises!

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 08:02 PM

Wow this is a really exellent drawing, Laura. And the colors are great!! The Lyrics match this piccy very well. Its hard to get lyrics to match pictures and stuff.so yeah this pic in whole is excellent!!

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 08:25 PM

Eee...poor Thomas, poor Fhaux ;; I feel really bad about the whole thing but....Fhaux just...doesnt love him. She really doesnt. Its an awesomely coloured pic Julie-chan, and an awesome pic in general, Laura. I'm really uber sorry ;;

Fhaux: -hides in corner-

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 08:36 PM

aaaww... Can't Ethan choose his girl and let the other who loves and adore him gets their live back on a normal track? Yes Ethan is cute and all, but look how he makes Thomas and Fhaux feel on this pic...

Well, even though the sad situation, you've coloured beautifuly! like an angel on a rainbow... you got all your colour and you use them with talent!

by the way, the lyrics fits perfectly! Keep up the great work!

Posted: Wednesday, 09 April, 2003 @ 12:01 AM

Okay.. one thing.. just because Ethan has a small part in this, doesn't mean he's the one to blame. Fhaux doesn't love Thomas, and I don't think she would love him even if there wasn't anyone else she even liked a little. Sure she has feelings for Ethan, but he's not he one to blame for her not loving him. Ethan doesn't even KNOW Thomas.. he's not holding anyone back. If Fhaux decided that she did love Thomas, then he'd be happy for her, he wouldn't do anything to hold her back. So yeah, don't blame him, cuz that's not fair to him.... The pain is all in Thomas, and it's hurting Fhaux cuz she's feeling guilty for causing him this pain.. Thomas tried to kill himself to prove that he loved Fhaux (visit Laura Blackbeard's gallery to see the pic) and I dunno.. but.. if Fhaux told Thomas she loved him now, she'd be trapped in a relationship w/ someone that she wouldn't feel comfortable leaving, for fear he'd kill himself if she did. No one should be forced into a relationship out of fear, or kept into a one because of it. It's not right... so yeah...

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 09:15 PM

awww ;-; another sad story....well look on the bright side...wait...there isn't one...aherm well she doesn't love him, and that's the way it has to be...and if I sound confadent it's 'cause Lu (lupe90617) goes through women like wet tissue, and he can't keep relationships togeather =P so I'm used to it, but ANYWHO know I feel like I can't draw 'cos everyone else can ;-; but I free hand koff koff hehe anywho Good showing emotion, and great coloring, Lyrics fit in too ^.~

We feel your pain Thomas

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 09:20 PM

AWWW!!!!DATS SO SAD!!! v_v, and the lyrics to match the piccy PERFECTLY.Laura you did an awsome job drawing and julie u did an awsome job coloring it!i have a little question though,is that an actual song or did 1 of u write it?it matches PERFECTLY (i said it once and ill say it again lolz ^^)

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 11:12 PM

OI! I'm going to cry ;_; It's so sad, yet so good! -slaps them both on the back [Julie and Laura]- Good job!

It sorta reminds me of me... You see... except I would be Thomas... and er Fhaux would be Thomas [[lol Thomas is my crush XD]]

Anyway, I tell him how he feels, and this is almost the same thing! -crys- I feel so alone...

Well very very nice work you two, and keep it up! I love it very much -huggles Thomas-

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 11:26 PM

i found an art theif put one of ur artworks in the beauty contest and i reported them. its the piccy of erindring.

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 11:33 PM

...Stares ..; THIS is a reason I never want to be in a relationship...TOO MANY FRIGGIN PROBLEMS!!!!!! >.< The only thing guys are good for is paying my bills! Pout >__o I like Faux...I mean Fuax...no....no...uh...AAAAAAAGH!!!! >__<

Posted: Wednesday, 09 April, 2003 @ 05:39 PM

I really like dis pic, I can relate to it. Because I was and still am in love with this guy. But he didn't know it....he knew I liked him but didn't know I loved him...so yea. But I really like it, I like the lyrics, and tell your friend good job.....

Posted: Wednesday, 09 April, 2003 @ 07:00 PM

[[im just informing the peeple Jules]] YES that is a song called Im stupid- by Prime and when i heard it, it just fit so perfectly with the situation i had to draw it.. and get Julie-chan to color it coz i cant color with shiznitties ^^;

Posted: Friday, 11 April, 2003 @ 10:07 PM

this is so sad, yet nice :P the guy kinda looks like anthony keidis from the red hot chili peppers.

Posted: Tuesday, 29 April, 2003 @ 06:56 PM

You know,this pic reminds me of Zerikki...she's seeing this Lupe named Moon_Charming,but she just adopted a pup,Ax__,and she doesn't know how Moon will respond to that...

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