
  • Dream Tracks 2024-Ridge Racer-The Final Lap
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/thumbnails/audio/small/34a296b9cf19c84388dd15ddff3116095419a1c9.jpg
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Dream Tracks 2024-Ridge Racer-The Final Lap by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

Racing games have always been kind of niche thing for me but one game stood above them all in terms of intensity and arcade action and that was Namco's Ridge Racer series of games.

I remember booting this game up on my original playstation and having an absolute blast, the series would eventually quiet down but peak late 90s for me was Ridge Racer on the playstation.

Years later after being a fan of the music I finally get to try my hand at creating a dream track in the style of the infamous Ridge Racer series.
Built ENTIRELY (save for the announcer) from MTV Music Generator 1.
I decided to try my hand again at the program that gave me my big start as a music composer and ever after all these years...the sound is still banging!

Music is ©2024 J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD.
Ridge Racer is © and ™ NamcoBandai
MTV Music Generator is © and ™ Jester Interactive, Codemasters and MTV
This is a fan made track and is not Licensed Sponsored or Endorsed by NamcoBandai
All Rights on the Music and Announcer Reserved. 

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 08:15 PM

Yeah, okay. This is definitely a track that could be in the Ridge Racer series. You're giving me a nostalgic trip here.

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 08:32 PM

@BadKarma: Why not? lol its my speciality!

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 09:35 PM

That late-90s club piano is an absolute homing missile of sentimental nostalgia to me. The last dedicated racing game I played was Hot Pursuit 2 all the way back in 2002, which was when they swapped out the progressive per-track music composed in-house with licensed musicians. Gameplay-wise it was a step up, but I always missed those personalized soundtracks... It wasn't until the 2010s that I learned you could edit in your own music. :B

Posted: Monday, 24 June, 2024 @ 04:11 AM

@Thorvald:Yeah it was awesome when independant composers were allowed to do their own music in games, some while not perfect by any means cause of the tools used were some of the most memorable tunes to come out gaming in the 90s. 

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