RAR!!! rapes continuously Laura is vera happy!!!! ^^ FWEE Draco rape!!
yep by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)
So this is colored and finished.. Laura will be happy. XD;;
Jpeg mucked it all up though.. ¬¬ I guess it still looks okay. shrug So yeah... =D
Draco Malfoy © JKR Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young
Comments & Critiques (15)
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Nice picture. I like the way you made his face very angular, and his facial features seem well drawn to me. Only one critism: Is it just me, or does he have a little more thigh-bulge than seems normal...Hmmm...Maybe it's just me, but I just felt like commenting on it. Good picture, overall ^__^
You HAVE to tell me how your pictures look so good! How did you do those little stars around the wand??? I don't get a thing about Adobe, especially the coloring. Anyway, once again, I'm here to say it's perfect! Wonderful! Superb! Or, but I don't think that Ron would say this to Draco in Harry Potter World, WICKED!!!
I created the glow and stars by myself. I used the airbrush tool to create the overall glow, then got different sizes to make the little sparks. Then using the paintbrush tool, I drew in the lines to make it look sparkling like. It's just... all me.. ^^;; So.. yeah. heh.
The jpeg made his legs look funky. It's really not that squiggly looking. Maybe me should've uploaded the gif version... I was just going to cut off his legs and just have the pic from his torso up.. but I though.. nah. But yeah.. oh well, can't win em all, and I'm too lazy to worry about fixing it.
ISH MEH FIRST?!?! MEH ISH FIRST! happy dance loukye meh! hmmm, mebbe i should turn draco's pants purple...evil grin PURPLE ICE WATER! ooo, good piccy. i wanna go a stik a moustach on it. jk. it would be funny, having draco malfoy in a moustache...