Rollee Bitterblossom

Factory of Madness: The Haunted Elevator
Factory of Madness: The Haunted Elevator by @rollee (Rollee Bitterblossom)

“If you find yourself in the dormitory’s third floor, you might see the elevator door at the end of the hall open up for no reason. The light suddenly flickers for a moment, and the shadows seem to shift along walls. A mysterious wind that suddenly comes out of nowhere makes the open door feel like its breathing. Out of the corner of the eye, you think you saw someone, but when you look no one is there.“


- The Haunted Elevator, Stories of Piedmont


During the Night of the Fire, a backdraft pushed Albert Moore into the open elevator shaft, dropping the 5 year old boy almost three stories into that shaft of steel and concrete. 

The ghost of Albert has remained silent for all his afterlife. He has nothing more to say to the cruel world that watched him die. He is moved by neither reason nor pity and unlike most of the other ghosts in Piedmont, his malice is not merely towards grown ups, afterall he was only 5 when he met his  demise. His only goal is to have others join him at the bottom of his tomb.

If you liked this story and found the Factory of Madness interesting I have a group where I store the art and stories. Here

Teen (V)
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6d11h ago
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Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2024 @ 07:16 PM
Rating: 5

This is the kid that was left to the factory as a baby, right?

Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2024 @ 07:30 PM

@fragmented_imagination: There are a handful of really young kids in Piedmont but I think the person your thinking of is Isaac

Isaac was dropped off as a newborn and died in the night of the fire at 10

This is Albert. He came to Piedmont at age 3 and died at age 5

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