
  • LittlePrayer-Majestic Magic
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/thumbnails/audio/small/fb3a9a7561081403c7f4f3669b4d0a8ed2960966.jpg
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LittlePrayer-Majestic Magic by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

Follow up to Astral and Ephimeral Phantasia. 
More soft listening dance music from the 90s both inspired heavily by the band Enigma and the movie soundtrack for Never Ending Story.

I wanted this time to really lean into Enigma's style of music and even managed to get gregorian monks into the mix this time round. I am overly pleased with how the track ended up in the very end.

Music is ©2024 J.Delorey Productions
Image is © Andrew Farley and was found on google images I do not own the artwork
All Rights on the music Reserved.

Comments & Critiques (9)

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Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2024 @ 06:42 PM
Rating: 5

This has that uncanny familiarity of something you'd swear you owned on CD. You would have made a killing as a Nineties techno composer.

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2024 @ 11:17 PM

@Thorvald: Born too soon for that and it literally took 30 years to get good enough to make music like this. 

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:04 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: God I know that feel. Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards. —Vernon Law

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:21 PM

@Thorvald: I cut my teeth as you know with MTV music generator on playstation 1, little did I know when I went down the music rabbit whole that I would be literally entering an entirely fantastical world.  Heh sounds familiar don't it?

I had grown up with a lot of music over the years but Dance music, Techno and Heavy Rock and metal were foremost at the top of the long list of music that inspired me.  I am BEYOND grateful I have the ability to create music and the lord above to be able to make music and to be able to share with everyone, it has not been as easy journey but as time goes on it gives me the greatest joy to continue to make music and let others enter my worlds I create without a single piece of animation, video or novel to back any of it up.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:47 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: I for one am grateful for your efforts. Like I've said, I'm amazed how you can juggle so many genres: most of the YouTube composers I know specialize to a single school or shtick (Bardcore &c.), and you're definitely the most versatile I know personally. I know how to play instruments, but despite being steeped in music growing up I've never had the intuition to write my own melodies. (Well—melodies actually worth a damn. :^) )

Posted: Tuesday, 03 September, 2024 @ 02:06 AM
Rating: 5

I can definitely detect the influences of both Enigma and The Neverending Story in this one. And, I have to agree with @Thorvald , you'd have made a killing in the 90s with this.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 04:23 PM


The beat they used was simplistic enough but the gregorian chants were more of a challenge, this kind of music may be too old for younger audiences though. 

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 06:47 PM


@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: I for one am grateful for your efforts. 

First off thank you very much my friend!  Yes throughout my years as a composer there was one moment that made me change to the versitile composer I am today, on Furaffinity a fan said to other people who were commenting on a piece of work I had done for dark kitsunes.

"This composer is more known for his Neo Gothic music"  This made me sit back and think as I had seen with a lot of other composers, many of which stuck to one style and one style alone wether it was piano classical, rave, techno, dance, orchestral but everyone of them seemed afraid to try anything new for fear of losing their audience. 
It was eye opening to realize this and when I listened to the likes of Hans Zimmer whose started like me as an independant music composer and who released a few CDs of his music back in the day, he never stuck to just one style.  When you watch a movie if you come across music done by the same composer, while there is a distinct sound to their works no two tracks are ever really the same.  But when you listen to either Indiana Jones or Star Wars you know its John Williams work cause it has a style that is all him.

In the end I decided I wanted to branch out and try as many styles as possible for I cannot call myself a musician if I don't try to learn all there is to music and believe you me I have learned a lot but have not even begun to scratch the surface.  As I get older I get more bolder in my attempts to make my audience guess what I may come up with next be it experimental or something surprising like Mega Man which no composer has ever tried to write original compositions for let alone Orchestral scores.  So with this in mind I keep at it day after day month after month year after year continuing to find new ways to make music and instrument combinations no one would expect me to come up with alone with styles my audience would be surprised with.  I don't care for the nickname "One trick Pony"  I believe in "You CAN teach an old dog New Tricks"  and I think my music and works speak for themselves.  I am hoping what I do here will inspire the next generation of musicians and music composers even long after I am gone from this world. 

For now though I will continue to push forwards and entertain the world for as long as I am able to use these hands to create music and to push the boundaries of what it means to be a music composer. 


Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2024 @ 07:29 PM


"You CAN teach an old dog New Tricks"

Speaking of music and New Tricks... :^)

I've never been much good at speaking emotionally but your passion is an inspiration, and shows clear in everything you do. I'm still amazed I'm not seeing your name in professional credits, though everyone says I'm talented out the wazoo but I've got zero business acumen.

Shine on you foxy diamond.

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