Julie Ottosen

Content by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is Mach and Erin in 'were' style. Again inspired by Goldenwolf's style.

Just for those that have flamed me in the past at having a style like this... you can't steal someone's style. You can use a similar style and there is NOTHING wrong with that. Actually... making a picture mirrored in a style of an artist that you admire is a form of flattery to that artist. So THERE! >=Þ

So anyways.. yeah. Here you are. I want to color this eventually. Yep.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y142d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (32)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 29 January, 2003 @ 10:33 PM

I 'really' like this style ^^ They look so good together is jealous I can't make my anthros fit together that good O.o Mine usually look like... Thinks of how to explain it... two boards leaning together.... Blinks I evy you in that you can make to characters fit together so well Smiles Tis a very nice picture Julie. Very good job, as usual ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 29 January, 2003 @ 11:27 PM

Very interesting picture Oasis. Very interesting indeed

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 12:09 AM

Is that a good thing or... >.> but um, yeah, thanx.

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 01:59 AM

Anytime. ;)

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 11:55 AM

mmmmmmmm, dey is content, sweet. the detail in this is amazing, it might be nice done in paint and pencil, like su of goldenwolfs. i think it wud look more natural and serene, instead of adobe or whatsit, but meh, thats just me ^^

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 03:30 PM

I was thinking of doing that actually, making it more of a natural look rather than a computer colored look. I have another program I might play with to color it w/. So we'll see how that goes. I don't think I'm going to color the actual sketch.. but yeah. I'm gona play w/ this one. ^^;

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 05:14 PM

K to all them boneheads out there. Julie is NOT at all stealing Goldenwolf's pictures. They are infact inspirations of another artists style put on to a test by another artist. STEALING is if Julie were to actually right click, copy it, screw it a little bit and wipe off the original persons name off then slapping it onto your site claiming its yours. Now, hm, ive never seen julie as a theif, but those who have, ive always seen you as ignorant and stupid. Thank you and good night. By the way Julie , I loooovvvveeee the pic! ^^

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 09:57 PM

Wow... They look so content :) It is a very serine scene... I think it would look good colored by hand too... :) I LOVE Erin's little braid, it looks cute ^^ Magnifecnet job! ^__^

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 10:31 PM

Yeah, I wana color it by hand.. but not right now cuz I have a crappy set of colored pencils... just a mix of differnt kinda, most of which break too easily.. I need a really nice set of colored pencils.. but they're SO exspenstive.. -_-; Oiy... but yeah.. thanks. ^^;

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 10:07 PM

Uh, yeah, what Wolfy said. Mach and Erin make such a cute couple... SO TO ALL YOU FREAKIN' IDIOTS WHO FLAMED JULIE, YOU CAN ALL makes this text bold GET A LIFE!!! end bold text Oh... claps hand over mouth Does that count as profanity? Oops... paints all Julie-flamers with Dung Paint Brush Ha! Witness the smelly wrath of the Dung Phoenix!

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 08:56 AM

shakes head I'm sorry Julie but that is a stright up copy... I just saw Goldenwolf's site and that is an exact copy of that picture. it looks good but I can't believe you copyed it exactly!....

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 06:24 PM

Then I think you should look AGAIN!!! The picture that I got this idea from is called "devotion" But if you look in that picture and this one, you will see that they are NOT in the same postisions, NOR do they have the same expressions on their face. I drew this WITHOUT looking at the picture. The similarity is the arm up. Now if you would have NOTICED that in the first place, you wouldn't come in here and make a stupid assumption. Look again before you accuse me of stealing a pose from another piece of artwork. I don't appreciate you assuming that when you can't even tell that it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT. It's a similar pose, but it's not EXACTLY THE SAME so as someone else already said SHUT IT.

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 07:39 PM

oh, and one MORE thing... go look at this: http://www.goldenwolfen.com/theft/index.htm read it, understand it.. and don't call me a theif any more!!!

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 04:49 PM

Julie didn't copy.Copying,in my opinion,is when you steal the picture directly,change the colors,and call it your own.It isn't wrong to draw a picture you admire in your own way.It just shows that you admire the person and the way they do their art,as Julie said.

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 05:44 PM

Hey, Maxcine99, or whatever your name is: SHUT IT. I have nothing else to say other than this: Julie would NOT steal a pic. NEVAH. Would you, Jules? BTW, I luff the picceh. They look so cozy, all snuggled together...

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 06:53 PM

YO! Bone-head $#!% go look at http://goldenwolfen.com/theft/ NOW!!!!! it's WRITEN by Goldenwolf, so Frickin go read it before you flame my Best Friend's art!!!! Now if you knew who the hell I am, you'd know I DON'T swear or use pafanity unless I get REALLY FRICKIN' TICKED OFF!!!! and THAT doesn't happen often at all!!! I happen to LOVE not only this piccy, but ALL of Jule's pictures... and not just because there are some pictures of my chars/pets (Mach being one of them) drawn by Julie. I watched Jule's art evolve into what it is, and I'm amazed by it every day! REASON: I can see the improvements and love she puts into her drawings. and It grows as she draws and continues to draw. Every artist knows that there is no such thing as a PERFECT work of art. There will always be something out there that someone will think is better then yours, and there will be flaws in something you do. But that's why it's call ART!!!! which actually HAS NO DEFINATE DEFINITION!!!!! Art is so broad a subject that really, if inspiration is copying.... then guess what? EVERYONE is a theif then!!! who HASN'T gotten inspired by SOMETHING or SOMEONE????? If you say you've never gotten inspired by anyone, well then you must live in a shallow loney and degrading life. But even if that IS your life, DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON MY FRIENDS!!!!! And also IF you EVER cause Julie to stop drawing I WILL hunt you down and be proud and VERY happy about my government/army/police connections!!!

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 07:59 PM

First of all to all you idiots (other than Julie 4 she's not an idiot) who made negative comments to my comment lets just set the record stright.First of all this is a comment page. Second I wasn't "flaming" Julie or trying to get her to stop drawing, personally I like her art and creativity; but I simply noticed how much the pictures were alike.And also if you've seen my previous comments you would realize how much I like her art. As artists you have to be able to accept comments or even critisim or you'll never make it as an artist, if you were offended sorry but that was just my observation. And Eve is it? Think about what you say before you say it if I wanted to offend Julie I would have said some think like:" you suck" "Not another one of those ugly things" or " How dare you copy Goldwolf and steal her style, your no good at drawing". But I did NOT say any of that infact I praise her art. Oh and Eve your not the only one who has goverment connections...

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Umm....Maxcine99...Your comment wasn't a constructive criticism at all...What you said exactly was "I'm sorry Julie but that is a stright up copy... I just saw Goldenwolf's site and that is an exact copy of that picture. it looks good but I can't believe you copyed it exactly!.... "

That isn't quite noticing the similarities, thats accusing her flat-out of copying...If you had been simply noticing the similarities, you would have said "They look awfully similar Julie..." or something to that effect.

A real criticism would have been something like "The tail looks like it is attached to her hip" or "His head doesn't seem proportional to his body".

Julie has always (from what I have seen) taken those kind of criticisms constructively and has used them to improve (which is evident when you look at her older drawings in comparison to her newer ones). You can't blame her or her friends, however, for attacking you when you accuse her of copying someone elses picture exactly when she hasn't.

It should also be remembered that the pose used in BOTH Julie and Goldenwolf's pictures aren't all that original...There are quite a few other pictures I have seen with the same type of pose...

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 08:39 PM


Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 10:26 AM

look, honestly, I don't care if you have connections or not.... but basically Jo said what I was trying to say in a raging red blur and haze. I know you didn't say anything about it being bad, which of course it's not, but that's beside the point. It was the fact that you said she copied that got me seeing red, and with all the dern flamers that seem to have popped up into Jule's gallery, I got really mad this time. Sorry, but it happens with my temper.

Basically what I'm saying is, watch how u say "copy" 'cause it can and does also mean steal, and I know and many other ppl know she never steals, and she's an amazing artist that she doesn't need to steal to make her look incredable, she is that way all on her own. God gave her a talent many envy, and she uses it and shows it well.

So again, to you and others, careful how u say "copy" and other such words.... and read the site that both Julie and I have given about art theft before you declare something "stolen" or "copied"

Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 03:30 PM

bows in apology excuse me Julie and Eve. I went to the site and saw what you were talking about and your right and I understand what you mean. Also I apologize for not at first realizing that Julie did say she got inspiration from GoldWolf.

Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 04:09 PM

You're forgiven. But now maybe you've learned something about art and such. So many ppl do assume that making a picture in the same style, pose, look or something is copying, when all it is, is inspired work. Some ppl don't like inspired work and would claim that it is copying, but there is nothing wrong with it. Thanx for your apology, and perhaps next time you assume something, you should get all your facts straight. I know everyone jumps to conclusions, I myself have done so, but it's better to take a breather and figure out if it is really stolen or not.

Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 07:30 PM

Wow, Eveh! pats Eveh on back Maxcine, they are absolutely right. This comment thingie is for constructive criticism that helps the artist improve his/her work. Saying, "Oh, look, you copied this pic," does not help at all. Especially because it isn't true. That's all I want to say, because if I go on, I'll probably start using my sailor's mouth, and no one wants to hear that. Read over all our comments, Maxcine, over and over, until you FIGURE IT OUT. See you guys later...

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 05:57 PM

OK!!! I personally like it and this and think GoldenWolf would be flatured you like her art so much to be inspired from it. Is this art theft? Certainly NOT! Most will acuse because they are children and do not know better... I love this piece! ^^ your art is so emotional... It really moves me! Keep up your art!

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 06:47 PM

Machine...That was down right STUPID what you said about that...I look up to Julie for my piccys...She has inspired me to do alot of my art the way i draw it.I mean if you draw a picture of a lupe or something...then you are taking the idea that was created by neopets if you want to put it the way you are saying it.Another thing...Its called influence and inspiration...There is nothing wrong with that so just shut the Freak up!!!...and dont dis her work again...!!! ~Drako p.s. I love the picture...It is beautiful...shows true love...Good job Julie!!^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 10:54 PM

Actually, it is IMPOSSIBLE to copy a pose off of someone. no one holds legal copywrite on a certain position. and this is quite different from the picture oasis mentioned. there are still some bold differences and most artists consider it an honor for someone to try their style because they think it's great. I think it's a beautiful picture, Emotional and everything, I love it.

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 10:09 PM

Hey, kewlies! Very good eye for composition, anatomy, and feeling there. Thumbs up to you! Definetly color it :)

As for the rest of you...shaddap! I don't care if someone borrows or emulates my style, but then you should know that if you would ever bother to read my page on Art Theft.

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 10:30 PM

raises a brow Is that really you? >.> If it is.. I am so honored you would write a comment on my gallery... okay, perhaps Honored is too strong of a word, but I think it's cool you'd take the time to say something, as you don't seem to not really bother, but more or less, you are an observer. I like that. Anyways.. um, if that's really really you.. >.> Thanx for the encouragement. ^^;;; And yes, many ppl don't know the diff between Art theft and inspired/coincedental art. Thanx again.

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 04:02 PM

I'm with you Julie! My friend who also looks at this page flames at me for... er.... "mimicing" your style. It's not totally your style... I tweak things here and there, evolve a bit, change it. So it evolved into MY style. It looks different from yours, and every1 elses. It's good too. ^^

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 04:09 PM

i mean your piccur

Posted: Saturday, 15 March, 2003 @ 11:22 AM

I just have one question back for you... what did you mean by 'uninspired'? that's kinda a downer for me... =( Anyways... when drawing pictures like this, i don't know what inspires me, just things I hope for later I suppose. I am a romantic for some part... I like romantic movies (when I'm in the mood) and I love seeing cute couples (especially elderly ppl that still hold hands. ^^; ) Most of the time I think my emotions come out in my characters, of how I would like to feel or what I would like to have some day. shrug It's hard to explain...

Posted: Sunday, 18 May, 2003 @ 12:07 PM

it's great but were are Erin's wings,i just cant see them

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