Damian Power

Her Death
Her Death by @Chaos-Mirror (Damian Power)

"Their words held the power of fear which bound my tears and kept their backs to me. Without it, I know I would have died alongside her that night." - Rhith

So much got in the way of finishing this piece but it's finally finished! Not sure if I feel invigorated pouring emotions into this one or drained...

Mature (V)
Finished Work
2y131d ago
Other Work By @Chaos-Mirror

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 27 July, 2022 @ 06:36 AM
Rating: 5

I can see why you'd feel both invigorated and drained. This is quite a detailed and impacting piece. You certainly get the feeling that some seriously bad events took place and that they had an impact on this character. I want to say that the mist leaving the kid's mouth is almost like that moment when the character loses that sense of innocence and empathy, and that this frozen image is the few seconds before he went absolutely berserk. The garbage and the flowing blood really helps add to the impact of the dead character; you really get a sense that, whoever they were, someone did not think much of killing them. Very amazing piece!

Posted: Friday, 29 July, 2022 @ 04:52 AM

@fragmented_imagination: Thanks! Quite like your interpretation of the mist leaving his mouth. It was a detail added because something was missing but wasn't exactly sure what it was, just felt it. Think you nailed the reason why perfectly. The way you describe the scene, I want to animate it now...need proper programs for that first. ^^

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