El Thorvaldo Moderator

SCEDA Logo by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The Sureyan Cosmic Exploration and Defence Administration (SCEDA) was the final stop on a long and winding road for a recurring faction in space-age IOTs. Originally crafted as an NPC flavour state in Imperium Universalis, the Sureyans were later adopted as my player state in Tyo's The Great Abyss, boldly choosing a late-industrial-age start rather than the established spacefarers of other players'. The third iteration appeared in Daftpanzer's To the Great Beyond, essentially a forum-thread version of Stellaris, which represented them finally breaking out of their home system of Preosa after bringing the invading neighbour race of the Gelians to heel.

In contrast to the typical world government archetype, I deliberately conceived Sureyan politics as heterogeneous. With much of the planet a barren waste home to countless nomadic tribes, established states are concentrated around the more temperate poles, under the suzerainty of Shra-Zuiei in the north and the Republic of Neyero in the south. A joint project spearheaded by the two countries, SCEDA essentially operates as a militarized NASA, founded to coordinate the response to chronic Gelian invasions dating back to the original IU timeline, and as of TtGB, overseeing the venture into interstellar space.

File adopted from the flag of Tennessee, SVG by -xfi- and released under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Download submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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