El Thorvaldo Moderator

Flag of Feminist France
Flag of Feminist France by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The Women's Republic of France was Omega124's magnum opus. While she had spoofed a self-described Bolshevist parody of militant feminism in several games before, IOT XIV witnessed the most developed version of the satire that also served as a vehicle for her own self-discovery that year.

Compared to the explicit role reversal of FemIOT, it's actually unclear precisely how French misandry originated, but within the ~70 years following the game's instigating disaster, men were relegated to a servile underclass, subjected to Rule 63 inversions of the rhetoric that as late as the early 1900s had claimed women were psychologically unsuited to cast a ballot. Despite its revolutionary rhetoric of ending the global patriarchy through force of arms, France's actual behaviour in-game was largely isolationist and more concerned with its immediate neighbours—less Trotskaya and more Stalina. True to her reputation as spymaster, however, Megs inadvertently touched off a major multi-national long arc through the Rosemary incident, a botched attempt to procure fissile materials by contracting a mercenary recently fled from Ailedhoo's failed pirate state.

Originally submitted to the now-defunct IOT Wiki in 2015, replacing Megs' original raster. Based on the brighter French flag before the 2020 directive.

Download submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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