El Thorvaldo Moderator

Connie Vixen
Connie Vixen by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The prequel to this piece. I could make some excuse about how @GenMarshall and I had another bet a few weeks ago, but in all honesty this was something that was gonna happen either way. That, and the FOXHOUND badge was just begging for a spoof. Stick this on your beret and salute it. :meow:

I'm still not entirely satisfied I got the physiology right (specifically shoulders and forelegs), but overall I'm fairly content. I originally wanted to try doing all the colours and tones digitally (mainly to experiment with a non-uniform coat pattern), but five seconds after scanning the lines I decided that would backfire disastrously and shaded everything in. Nonetheless, you'll see I've started testing highlights and shadows within the palette itself. The ground shadow is pure digital, and therefore ugh.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt August 2015.]

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 03 August, 2023 @ 02:11 AM
Rating: 4

The way she holds her sword reminds me of Zacian.

Posted: Thursday, 03 August, 2023 @ 07:05 PM

@chaseawaythedark: I can't believe Nintendo plagiarized me D:

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