Fin Art

glaciers melting in the dead of night
glaciers melting in the dead of night by @Fihyn (Fin Art)

I saw some kurzgesagt videos on youtube and I thought their visual style was sooo satisfying I wanted to try it out myself! they just have this absolutely brilliant simplified neon look that I'm obsessed with. I more or less copied this style directly so if you like it too you should definitely check out their channel. :] they do animations that illustrate different scientific concepts!

Finished Work
27d2h ago
Other Work By @Fihyn
In These Portfolios

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Casual Only

Posted: Thursday, 30 May, 2024 @ 08:41 PM

I have a conflicted relationship with Kurzgesagt. Their hard science/space topics are generally solid, but the company has longstanding issues peddling billionaire propaganda as desirable, if not accepted technology, and poor disclosure of conflict of interest in funding and data sources. tl;dr whenever they start talking about how we can just engineer our way out of a crisis, pay careful attention to what, exactly, they're suggesting to build.

With that said, those minimalist birds are mascots par excellence, and you absolutely nailed the style. B^D

Posted: Friday, 31 May, 2024 @ 01:16 AM

@Thorvald: oh heck :0 yeah I guess I didn't realize. I've basically only watched their stuff on like, black holes, or the components of the atmosphere, or the pressure in certain parts of the sea, that kind of stuff.

thank you very much!

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