Lauren Sefchik

When Crossovers Attack
When Crossovers Attack by @laursefc (Lauren Sefchik)

Well...not every Otaku can resist the urge of creating at LEAST ONE lil' fanart now and then.... ~_~*

Okay, so I admit to once having a Neopets account where I played endlessly with my lil' Aishas. In fact, I named one of them Soujiro during my crazed Rurouni Kenshin epic (Soujiro IS the best after all). Anyway, Neopets has this artwork fashion show that I tried to enter but obviously didn't make the deadline. So here's lil' Aisha Soujiro in all his glory...as horrid as my fabric drawing capabilities are.

Didn't take long to find reference, and from there I simply sketched, scanned, printed out and then laid some colored pencil on it. Ink scares me....ink scares me to death because it's NOT ERASABLE! But I inked him anyway (or else the scanner wouldn't pick him up), and even colored him in my most hated medium...Prisma Markers... shivers Ugh..those horrid things give me the willies. Scanned him back in, then prayed to Buddha that he'd look okay. I personally think his mouth is too far to the side, the clothes are stiff as a board (I shall smite you all with my mad starching skillz!!), and I can't draw straight swords for hockey sticks. But otherwise, he's cute, he's compact...and he fits in your pocket! MWA! :Þ

For all of those who are asking...yes, his head IS bigger than his body because if you look at the Aishas, they have these huge saucer heads and tiny lil' bodies. I'm surprised they haven't fallen over being so top-heavy like that...but mysteries never cease, and anime LOVES to defy physics every now and then. >^_^< Nyu!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Lauren Sefchik

Finished Work
22y199d ago
Other Work By @laursefc

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 02 July, 2002 @ 12:50 PM

OMG!!! I can't believe someone else likes 'Jio-chan!!! Aya!!! huggles aisha he's so cuteeeee.......

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