Lilleah Aawest

the Odd one
the Odd one by @westlilleah (Lilleah Aawest)

the young fawn is all alone , he calls to his mother but she does not answer, he is weak, he is small, his legs deformed, it was with her help that he lived so long, but now she is heavy with child and a new fawn will soon be born, she cannot slow down for him any longer, he is diffrent, its a fact of nature that the ones who are different do not always survive. he sobs and cries in the dark wood, he is tired and cannot go on, but then a shadow casts over him, he did not even hear the approach of the Odd One. he stares down at the fawn, a calm, unchanging look, he is old, as his antlers show it, but that is also why he is the odd one, as they are different. he is not feared by the others but also not trusted, as he is different, not only in looks but also because he lives on, all alone. he reaches down for the fawn who reaches back like an infant child as he is dumbfounded as he cannot believe the odd ones kindness. the odd one will take him on, will care for him, he will allways will go slow enough for him, will help him, never leave him, as he too knows how it is to be different....

this image was inspired by a real deer i saw in the wil with antlers just like that, i have photos to prove it, i have never in my 14 years of regular nature hikes seen one with such oddly shaped and thick antlers, one spike goes down and the thickness it like a cross between a deer and a moose, he was so huge and so inspiring.

Finished Work
20y156d ago
Other Work By @westlilleah

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 28 January, 2004 @ 07:30 PM

What, no comments?

I really like this--the story it tells, the composition you've laid out, and the way you did the characters...I really really enjoy looking at it. Thanks for sharing!

Posted: Wednesday, 28 January, 2004 @ 08:59 PM

i am glad you liked it, this is one of my more abstract pictures, but i do love the feel, the darkness of the woods and well, thank you, i was hoping this would get a comment ^__^

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