Tiro Kari: Slasher
Tiro Kari: Slasher by @Agondray

Okay, after a brief hiatus, I’m ready to continue this series.

Next character that’s up is . . . Slasher! Yeah, that’s what he’s called in his universe. The reason for that is . . . well, the way he fights and kills. Nobody really knows his true name, or if he even really HAD one to begin with. Slasher’s origins and identity are mostly clouded in mystery. So much so that all those that know of him have are rumors and stories to go by. They range from him being a formerly innocent tortured soul turned blood-crazed serial killer to being an assassin who is out for some kind of vendetta. Whether any of these tales are true or not, none can really say, as no one truly knows for sure. No one except Slasher himself, but nobody dares to ask such questions to him directly. Given his known history, reputation, and kill count (both confirmed and exaggerated), it would seem to be a huge gambit to be so inquisitive. What is known about Slasher is that he is a fairly aggressive fighter and a rather efficient killer. Many muggers, gangsters, bandits, highwaymen, fugitives, convicts, murderers, and more have all met their ends at hands of this individual. Usually via large gashing wounds in their more vital areas, made by the slashing talons attached to his hands for which he got his name. Woe be to those who cross his path or are the latest of his targets.

Slasher was supposed to have a very aggressive, fast, offense-based fighting style. Because of this, I imagined that he would most likely be a “Rushdown” type of fighter. He would often rely on getting as close to the opponent as he can and just pummel him/her with primarily combos and juggles. His basic attacks alone wouldn’t do a lot of damage, but it would quickly add up once he gets an effective combo chain or two in. A lot of his grapples and special moves would also utilize his signature “slashers”, all of which can deal a pretty decent amount of damage if pulled off successfully. His approach would be very effective against characters with low endurance, but not so great against those who rely on their opponent getting close enough for them to strike (like grapplers). When up against the latter, Slasher would need to time his rushdowns carefully and make sure not to get caught in any grapples himself. Overall, I would say Slasher would be a good choice for those who prefer fast-paced action with punishing combos and leaving little room for their opponent to recover.

What are your thoughts on this character of mine?

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