Tiro Kari: Tondar
Tiro Kari: Tondar by @Agondray

Now we have one of the big guys!

This guy is named . . . Tondar! He is a strong and mighty warrior from a tribe of supposed barbarians. He had been training amongst the other warriors of his tribe since he was a child, and strove to be among the best of them. After years of grueling training and conditioning his body, Tondar ended up becoming stronger and tougher than any of the warriors. He was even honored with being labeled as the tribe’s champion by none other than their queen herself. Such a celebration was not to last, though. A few days after the ceremony, an army from another land came into their territory and began to seize and occupy their land resources. When the ‘barbarians’ raided the foreigners’ settlements, the soldiers retaliated by conducting “purges”. One night, the soldiers marched upon the main village of Tondar’s people, and wasted no time in ransacking it and slaughtering all they came across. Only Tondar, his queen, and a handful of others survived the massacre. Tondar swore that day that his people will be avenged immediately, but the queen advised him to wait and focus on recovery. Seeing the state of the village and how few they in numbers now, he reluctantly agreed. For the next year, they traveled long distances looking for a new place to settle. During this time, Tondar was looking and hoping for an opportunity to strike back at the very imperialists who brought death and suffering to his people. That opportunity came when he heard rumors of a combat tournament being held within the territory of his enemies. It was there that he also learned the name of the one who leading the very soldiers who slaughtered his kin. “Zarton”! Tondar found his chance. He joined the tournament in the hopes that he will get to chance to slay this fiend an avenge his brothers and sisters. Though of course, he had to survive this tournament and defeat all other opponents to get there. This didn’t matter to him, as the mighty Tondar wasn’t going to let ANYONE stand in his way.

Tondar would definitely be more of a “big-bodied” type of fighter for this hypothetical fighting game of mine. Considering what I originally planned for him, I think he would be most likely be a “Semi-Grappler”. Although grapples would definitely be important to his fighting style, he would have more variation in his move set. He would have a relatively strong attack power and good endurance, but would be a bit more speedy and flexible than a pure grappler. His strikes would be almost as reliable and might actually help him with pulling off said grapple moves. He would definitely be a decent choice for those looking to some good damage, but not the best in term of maneuverability.

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