The Wizard Of Zaar

The Biri and the Keng.
The Biri and the Keng. by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

The Biri and the Keng. Two races deeply aligned in friendship.

The Biri

Humanoid in shape, they are mammalian and have arboreal roots, they grow bushy feathers on their heads; through have little in common with Avians.

The Biri are a peaceful, benevolent and very social species. Skilled diplomats and an inherently curious race; lovers of music, dance, science and debate. They also are a very festive people and love parties.

This has led them into space and given them drive to explore the galaxy, seek new friends and new learning. Exploring long past their jungle homeworld of Tara and making colonies on new worlds.

Though they are not warlike or aggressive, they do have warriors they call Scouts; the Biri are not a militarily powerfully race and few of them are inclined to such a lifestyle.

As much as they have made friends such as the Keng, prospered through trade and discovered many wonders in the universe. Like the Keng, they have made themselves known to more warlike and predatory races such as the Kestari. Whom currently threaten them now; conquering their colonies and driving Biri into refuge back come to Tara... Though now the Kestari attack Tara directly.

The Keng are a small, diminutive race; highly intelligent and given to spending their lives to mastering a particular skill or vocation. Like the Biri they are a weak species and have been driven from their Homeworld completely by the Kestari; the few Keng who remain live as welcomed refugees on Tara.

They are an amphibious species with long arms, and one tail/foot that they hop about land on and serves them as strong swimmers in the water. Their long arms help them climb trees; something that even today they do recreationally, just as the Biri do.

The Keng as a people derive their name from the name of their Homeworld; Keng. It is a hot, jungle world with much in the way of water; similar to the Biri Homeworld of Tara or the Aundi Homeworld of Yun.

Rough / Concept
101d23h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 17 January, 2024 @ 03:28 AM
Rating: 5

Cool design and the history is really interesting!

Posted: Wednesday, 17 January, 2024 @ 04:13 AM

@LostAgness: They are both destined to be a very important races.

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