Julie Ottosen

>>; by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Um.. okay.. I had this pic in mind awhile ago, and just drew it the other day and like.. here it is! Um, anwyas.. this is Leslie's char Ignis again, and her arm that is like skinless and muscles can unravel itself and does stuff to heal herself when she injects herself with the right stuff... and it's not exactly pain free. Though she's endured a lot of pain, I don't doubt she still feels it and doesn't like it in the least.. (I wouldn't blame her!)

Anyways.. and the other thing I think I tried to pull off but not sure if I did, was a 'core' in her arm... >.o Can't see it too well though, but that's what happens w/ black and white pics... detail isn't seen too well sometimes... I added the red blood to show you the pain! muahahah! koff ^^;

Ignis © Leslie Irene 2002-2003 Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y89d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 05:39 PM

YUCK, all bloody, but even if I care, It's for her own healness, so I won't be troubled anyway.

Good work there! pretty bloody, but good! People usualy say "awesome!" or "cute!" but that's no good time, cause she's in pain and suffering, how could that be "awesome" or even "cute" since she is all bloody and revealing her bone.... eww, but it is really well done! I like her hairs. lol,

I don't know if I should talk about her hairs.... lol

I think that the pic could look really different, but never said BETTER * just did...* if her right arm ---> would be on the ground, hardly, like she's holding it by the pain, I don,t know if you see what I meen, but great any way!

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 10:05 PM

Hmm... good suggestion.. I'll think about it, see what it looks like.. I wasn't sure what to do w/ her other arm anyways.. that might work better. ^^ thanx.

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 05:47 PM

Ouch, that looks pretty painful. usually the fibers just slither back into her arm, up through the part that still has skin... unless either severe trauma or unless that other thing is in the mood to 'train' her a little (( ya know what me means ))

still, ow... and yeah that does hurt, a lot... i like the expression, somewhat holding in the need to scream

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 07:14 PM

Oh my you captured this very well she does look in alot of pain. And I thought getting braces hurt. You should color it. It would look good in color and we could see the details better.

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 09:42 PM

o.o Yowch.I would NOT like to be Ignis at times like these.>.o-shakes head-Nope.But you really caught the effect Julie.^^ I can see the pain in her face.But the arm..o.o Ow.Just..ow.-shakes head again-How does she live that way?>.o;

Posted: Friday, 28 March, 2003 @ 05:47 AM

Oh My F-ing God! 0_0 This picture is Amazing! Mind boggleingly GURD!!!! I love Ingis so much, She has to be one fo the coolest characters I have ever seen.... Even tho She hogs my Vincentiepew shes the coolest lupess in the world! XD! But wow... The emotion in this one is just... wow... She dose look like shes holding in a scream... The poor thing ;.; I wish she didn't have to go thru all this pain....

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