Julie Ottosen

A Dark Figure...
A Dark Figure... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Okay, this was inspired after a rp w/ Ethan. Okay, so Ethan was hunting this guy here, and when he tried to get him, and catch him, the guy simply stood up, grabbed Ethan and threw him across the room as though Ethan were a pillow. >>; (they were in a bar). Anyways.. so yeah, Ethan ran into the bar and the guy got away. I decided to make this picture and this 'dark figure' a more perminant char in Ethan's life.. and he's got something to do w/ his past.

There is still one year that is empty in Ethan's life. He may soon find out about his childhood, but there was a year from when he was kidnapped from the facility (age 16) to when he became fully aware (age 17). This guy here has something to do with that missing year... >>; twilght zone music plays hehe. ^^;

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y86d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (17)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 08:56 PM

Ok so since on my computer you pics take along time to load i was on another window and when i went to this pic (i didnt see the thumbnail) i almost got a heartattack it was so scary. I hope thats what you were going for because if not i feel like i just affended you. but anyways i like the hand and i mean this is really good i really like it its so scary (i love scary)

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 04:24 PM

lol! My evil plan commenses.. >D koff anyways.. >> I did intend to scare ppls yep. ^^ That was indeed my intention.. I mean, this dun look like a cuddily bunny do it? XB hehe. So, mission accomplished. ^^;

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 09:13 PM

oo. creepy. I love IT!!

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 09:19 PM

WOW! he remindes me of my dentist... very scary... except my dentist is in a weird bluey colour most of the time, not red, but i can see the reselmblance...

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 04:25 PM

mental note to self: Don't go visit this girls dentist ^_~

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 09:43 PM

Ooooh, creepy, Julie! Very god, but creepy looking, LoL. Nice pic, good colors ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 10:14 PM

Very creepy o_o;; creepier then I pictured in the rp o_o;; its scurreh that they let those kinda ppl run around the street and dun arrest them xD;

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 04:23 PM

I know, he came out creepier than I picture him at first too. I was just going to draw this guy in a cape thing, but then I was too much reminded of your Jhayce, and I thought.. Hmm.. and got out one of my witchblade comicbooks to look at a pic of this creepy char on there, and poof! Out came this! I likes him tons better than just a figure in some cape, much more creepy and stuff. hehe. ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 10:50 PM

Whoa...grabs a cross, a necklace of garlic, several sheilds and some holy water aie! Eeeevil! squeals and hides in a dark corner This is very, VERY good. Haunting, eerie...shiver but it's amazing. claps, but wimpers at the same time

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 12:07 PM

eeeeeep! that is one scary dude, seriously spooky no? he better not have done anythin nasty to ethan in that one year cos if he has hes gonna need more than super-strength to stop me! growls dangerously oh yea, i wanted to say, the way you coloured this-different from normal and i like it very much, extremely effective emotion-wise, the cape thing is perfect and his hand, very like a dementor cept they wear black scary music plays and i walk away

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 04:26 PM

hehe. You'll just have to wait and see what he did now won't you? =B ^^; It's such a mystery, even -I- don't know.. >>

(my brain chooses the information it wants to give me on random occations, if I don't listen properly, I may never learn the mysteries of life.. >> Guess that's the price you pay for laziness. XD)

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 01:39 PM

whoa... holy munkey brains, dats super!! :( i wanna be part of an Ethan rp... that guy's super, the hand looks like my dudes on this piccy http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/1255094 meh Maccy B keep it up!! :D

Posted: Thursday, 27 March, 2003 @ 11:03 PM

<(O.O)> OOoooo.....runs up and bear hugs him to a pulp hes a cute lil creeper idnt he??? trys to clap but still huging him wel lets give a round of applause!!! great job julie!!

Posted: Friday, 28 March, 2003 @ 05:42 AM

0_0!!!!!!!! Omg! This is SO cool! Its REALLY Creepy!!!! Epps! Scary hand... Spectacular coloring job! This is totally cool julie I can't belive how scary it is! lol! This is one of my new favs!

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 12:51 PM


YOur pics are really good, i was wondering wether these characters, like link, jas and ethan are actually pets on neopets, and if so, what are their full names? i'd love to take a peak at their pages or lookups ^^

Posted: Sunday, 22 June, 2003 @ 09:10 PM

Awwwww!He looks so.../alone/...>>;; Hugs him and strokes his head while he cries on lap. it's okay...just tell me again...why did you put your chipmunk in the blender? Alex:Stares and scratches head xB

Posted: Wednesday, 24 December, 2003 @ 02:48 PM

Your char,Ethan, has the same name as my stupid ugly cousin

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