The VEW Line by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)
My fourth submission to DYOS XI. [link]
Even though Captain Locke hadn't been seen since DYOS 6 (I think), I'd be a pretty poor pseudo-communist dictator if I wasn't perpetually paranoid; hence this punning allusion to the Cold War-era Distant Early Warning Line.
There seems to be a tendency in Union secret technology to exceed its directives: Mjolnir can shoot into space, the VEW Line picks up general signals... If the army designed an electric car it would probably never need a recharge. =P
While this comic was done as a one-off, everyone here (save maybe the first guy) would go on to influence the story later. Octavia and her colleague would fight HAX with HAX, and despite this amicable early encounter, Lucifer and the Three Wise Guys would pursue opposite ends to Daemon's story.
Speaking of Daemon, little did I know that the newbie quasi-Anime guy would become one of my most invaluable colleagues, both in XI and PwP. :hug:
Lucifer © @Danimarion
"Visitors from the 8ighth Dimension" is a tacit reference to this similarly-titled Bob the Angry Flower comic.
Ok that's pretty cute, actually