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New Web Manga! - Started by: migucast
New Web Manga!
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 04:47 AM

For the past 2-3 years, I've been slaving away on my Secret Manga Project, drawing, planning, processing, and writing. Granted, this probably should've been up 1-2 years ago but... Laziness and work haven't really helped it much. I doubt anyone still follows my old weekly comic which has been very, very spotty the past couple of years due to my job but starting tomorrow, Wednesday, November 8th, the project shall be unveiled on the same page as my regular comic. Updated daily (which is assured by the fact that the I have over two weeks worth of material that will be uploaded in bulk and automatically published by the server for the coming weeks), the plot will slowly come together. As for the old web comic, it will still continue, on Mondays, like it's supposed to. It'll just be sandwiched between pages of the manga.

Now, at this point, you may be asking... So, just what IS this Secret Manga? What's it called? What is it about? Who are the characters? What genre does it fall in to? Read and find out! XD

Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 09:33 AM

Well, you've piqued my interest. Why not create a separate website for the new comic, though, to prevent confusion?

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 03:19 AM

Because I'm poor...? ^^;;;;; Well, cheap, anyway. I have both Christmas AND the Wii launch coming up... Then there's the wedding... ^^;;;;;;;;;;; Yeah, as bad as I want my own PAID site (note that the comic site is free), it's not in my budget yet... Maybe next year... After Issue 1 is completed though, I'll make a specific page on the site where each individual issue can be accessed quickly and in bulk.

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 09:48 AM

Can't you make another account on Keenspace for the new comic? I understand hosting issues, though. I'm lucky that I've never had to deal with paying for it.

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 10:16 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 08 Nov 2006, 10:16 AM.
Because I'm poor...? ^^;;;;; Well, cheap, anyway.

$6.00 US /month for:

  • SSH access
  • primary domain and a sub-domain
  • e-mail
  • up to 1GB of site space
  • unlimited bandwidth
  • no adverts
  • scripting access
  • forums access
  • database access
  • Webmin access

and more.

For every 6 months paid up front, he knocks off one month of hosting fees. for domain name registration:

$8.99 US /year (less if you buy more years in bulk)

Just some information for you when you decide to get your own domain/hosting.

-- BK

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 01:22 PM

Just for the sake of more options, my host is Globat ( You get a bit more space and the domane is included in a package price. I think right now you get free registration :)

When you're making these kinds of decisions it's always good to shop around. Definitely NOT trying to upstage you, BK < :}

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 08:46 PM
Just for the sake of more options, my host is Globat ( You get a bit more space and the domane is included in a package price. I think right now you get free registration :) When you're making these kinds of decisions it's always good to shop around. Definitely NOT trying to upstage you, BK < :}

Not taking it as upstaging at all. I will guarantee, though, that Gushi has a very personal touch. Gushi also has options for working out free hosting. :)

Out of curiosity, does Globat offer the shell access and all that? I'm always out for good deals.

-- BK

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 12:05 AM

The easy answer is no, haha. Not with the cheap accounts at any rate. I think most people who use it aren't quite that advanced. You could go see what you can find out if you want, but it's probably not worth the effort.

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 05:29 AM

Thanks... ^^;;;;;;;;;;

Gushi seems reasonable enough... But Globat is completely incompatible with my art (I'd have to gut my material seriously to have page there). :p

In anycase, I have a lot of work on the back-end front to do before I can even start considering servers. Thanks, anyway, though.

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 08:58 AM

Just curious, what do you mean gut your material?

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 04:48 AM

Heh. I thought that'd be obvious from my gallery but it's not like anyone ever goes there anymore, anyway.. [SHRUGS] Their ToS disallows nudity of any kind. It'd be just like crawling back to GeoCities, except I'd get to pay for the censorship. :p Gushi's far more leaniant in that respect. ^^;;;

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 07:02 AM

haha, unless your comic is hardcore porn they won't care. I've been posting my art there for almost 4 years now and I haven't heard a peep about the nudes I draw. Same goes for a lot of people I know shrug

You ought to be more willing to bend rules where rules can be bent xD it's quite beneficial at times.

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 04:56 AM

I'll bend all the rule you like, I just don't want to get thrown out into the street on a simple ToS thing after being there for awhile, you know? :\ I've also been thinking about too... Heard anything about them?

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 09:40 AM

I've never heard of them, unfortunately.

-- BK

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 07:42 PM

haha, you wouldn't be

I've heard good things about rydia, but I don't have any experience :). My little sister uses dreamhost, which is really nice if you want to put up a forums. I don't know much about that one either though.

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