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I can't upload image! - Started by: Weasel_Silver24
I can't upload image!
Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 05:27 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 27 Oct 2020, 02:30 PM.

I don't know what's going on here, but I couldn't get my drawing uploaded.

There's the green message saying that it's uploaded successfully, but then there's a red message saying this:

Error: Missing or zero-pixel height in image. Invalid image. Missing or zero-pixel width in image. Invalid image. Missing or zero-byte image. Empty images are invalid. Invalid file type, or image is a format that isn't web-viewable. The file thefileinquestion.jpg has been removed from the system for security reasons since it has failed our validity checks.

I tried one other image which is also a .jpg, but no go either, and tried changing the file name with no better results. Please fix this!

October 27 UPDATE: I tried it again to upload my images, and guess what? I for some reason was able to do so...Huh! Strange, I don't know why that is but oh well.

See drawings: Out of Control Grounder - Pg.1, A Fairy Fall Halloween, and Scratch Coconuts in Disguise.

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 09:33 PM

This happens to me sometimes, too. I've reported it in detail, but I never heard anything back about it. There have been times when I spent hours trying to upload something, even going so far as changing the filename and image type. The only thing that fixed the problem was waiting. So when it happens, I just close Side7 and try again the next day.

Posted: 19 Nov 2020, 10:50 PM

Hey all,

I'm really sorry about all the problems as of late. I, admittedly, haven't been paying attention to e-mail, Side 7, et al, as we've had a pretty major family crisis going on for the past couple of months.

Not sure why things were not uploading. I have found nothing in the logs. But, just to be sure, I've completely rebooted everything to ensure that things are running cleanly.

-- BK

Posted: 20 Nov 2020, 03:42 PM

That's okay, I'm just glad to see Side 7 back up and running again.

Sorry to hear about your major family crisis, I hope & pray all will be well for all...

Posted: 21 Nov 2020, 04:15 PM

I hope you are keeping safe all.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 03:21 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 24 Nov 2020, 03:24 AM.

Hi, I'm vaguely new here and wanted to start uploading my pieces. I've been trying to upload an image for about a week now, and if I don't get the error stated above, I get: "Error: Moving the file to your directory failed. Cannot continue adding image to the system." This goes for both art and avatars.

No biggie if I can't post here. ^_^ Just thought I'd try to live out my y2k art dreams. Mods lives come first and foremost.

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 08:37 PM
Hi, I'm vaguely new here and wanted to start uploading my pieces. I've been trying to upload an image for about a week now, and if I don't get the error stated above, I get: "Error: Moving the file to your directory failed. Cannot continue adding image to the system." This goes for both art and avatars. No biggie if I can't post here. ^_^ Just thought I'd try to live out my y2k art dreams. Mods lives come first and foremost.

Give it another go. Turns out our server's main HDD had filled up, and had to be cleared of some stuff.

Regards, BK

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