El Thorvaldo Moderator

DYOS 6: Quest for the Mods' Fridge

Skirmish on the Pripyat
Skirmish on the Pripyat by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My eighth submission to DYOS VI.

Barbarians, man! How do they work??:iconsays2plz::iconmagnetsplz:

Why'd I do all this? Probably something to do with winning CG's trust. Remember: the official barbarian faction is more your enemy than any so-called Barbarian player.

That pop-up window was almost totally manufactured from scratch to mimic the Civ2 in-game announcements, but is missing the 'Defense Minister' heading. Were I to do this now, I'd probably tweak the resources to produce it in-game.

GOD, that end dialogue is so freaking anvilicious.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013.]

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