@Grimmgall || Journal Entry
Robin Grimmgall

Neuralink for Artists?
06 Apr 2024, 11:05 PM

I'm going to be asking this on all sorts of art platforms that do not tolerate AI-generated submissions on-site.

Someone once mentioned the idea of Neuralink for artists on an art website that is notorious for controversial content. It made me think—if Neuralink could allow one to produce an image straight from your mind to a computer screen, drawing program, and/or traditional canvas/paper, how would the art community feel about artists utilizing this tool?

Many people believe that AI can be considered a tool for artists if utilized ethically. There are many uses for AI as a tool for artists to, perhaps, speed up the drawing process, to reference in art, or for other purposes. However, if this tool existed in which you could somehow generate an image directly from your mind and project it somewhere, would you utilize it? Would you condone others utilizing it?

One of the biggest aspects of AI being unethical is that it steals from existing images without permission, does not credit those images and artists, and does not compensate each person and creator affected by this unethical image generation process. However, if Neuralink were to allow you to project an image from your mind in the form of art or a "photograph," therefore eliminating most direct copyright issues aside from cases such as directly mind-copying an existing image or character entirely and taking credit for it, or utilizing it for defamation, revenge erotica, or promoting violence, would it be considered unethical for one to utilize a tool such as this one?

Furthermore, how would a tool like this be utilized via Neuralink? I have no idea how Neuralink functions at the moment, and if it would be able to control your anatomical features such as hands and feet via your mind, but do you believe it would be more like projecting an image on a wall for everyone to see, such as with a projector, being able to upload an image to the internet or to your device from your mind, or would it be more like being able to control your hands to be able to accurately produce an image as you imagine it—being able to control your motor function in order to produce the image you're imagining to the last detail?

Feel free to discuss this in the comments. I'm curious to hear your thoughts since this is an interesting topic for me. If these discussions are disallowed, please notify me, admins, and I will remove this post.

Comments (2)

Posted: Sunday, 07 April, 2024 @ 07:21 PM

tl;dr Elon is literally Satan. HAV - Albert, Prince Consort

The biggest question dangling over all of this is whether "neurovisual projection" is even possible. Contrary to the metaphorical paradigm bandied about by the futurists, the brain is not a computer: memories are not "saved to disk", and consciousness does not follow a set of scripted instructions. (Expanding research into psychosomatic synergy, especially the entric nervous system, argues against the conventional frame of the brain as a CPU-like "master arbitrator".) We know nerve signals can operate prosthetics, and while it's still not clear to me how the Neuralink interface operates at the mechanical level, it appears to act as a translator for motor functions, and not some sort of miracle "thought reader".

I have mixed feelings on practical application: My penmanship is mediocre at best and I struggle to maintain consistent output even for designs I've practiced for years; nothing infuriates me more than struggling with even a "good enough" transcription from the mind's eye, and my venture into digital drawing via a tablet accessory was scuttled by poor hand-eye coordination. It's not so much that I'd want to replace physical drawing, but I would definitely benefit from a live aid compensating for my deficiencies. A decade ago I would've leaped on this without hesitation. But having seen how LLMs are playing out in the world today, especially the "pay-to-play" atmosphere they've fostered at the direct expense of the Old Guard they swindled, it evokes the Mr. Beast dilemma: Are we going to spend the money to bring everyone up to par, or is this a privilege reserved for the rich?

The biggest advantage of "practical" neural projection over AI is that you would be able maintain your own aesthetic, rather than have it fed through the "popular" styles the datasets have been groomed to emulate.

Posted: Sunday, 07 April, 2024 @ 10:35 AM

If projecting am image from your mind becomes a form of art, then I think there would be categories for it that separate it from other types of art. I honestly think that's how AI art should be dealt with, and perhaps making models that have permission to use the art they're generating with. I wish that technology could become available faster lol. I don't imagine it being able to project a perfect image, and the artist will have to do some clean up to make it pretty.

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