@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

Movies I’ll hopefully rewatch + Etc
28 Jun 2024, 12:52 AM

Here's a list of movies I want to rewatch, this will get updated here and there.


The Voices - I've seen this movie a few years ago, and I wanted to continue rewatching movies I've seen with my memory as best as I can. I also like the premise of this movie tbh.


The Trumen Show - I enjoy the premise of this movie and wanted rewatch it again.


They Live (1988) -  I also enjoy the premise of this movie as well. So hopefully I'll rewatch this movie again.


The Rite (2014) - at the time when I watched this movie, I was a teen while I watched this movie with my parents in the movie theater, I might as well rewatch this movie, since I only remember seeing a view scenes.


Dead Snow (2009) - I was 8 or 9 years old when I watched this movie with my parents, and I like the visuals in this movie too tbh, so hopefully I'll rewatch it.


The Matrix (1999) I still enjoy this movie and it's action scenes, alongside the aesthetics of the movie too. I'll still rewatch the Matrix Trilogy here and there.

Comments (1)

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2024 @ 06:04 PM

I have a love-hate relationship to Jim Carrey so I've never actually seen The Truman Show, but knowing its reputation I really oughta watch it some day. :p

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