@ragukokarn || Journal Entry

First week
24 May 2024, 08:53 PM

So I've been on here for a full week now. The reception has been great! Very much enjoy my stay. So there will certainly be more art posted on here.

In order for new art to come out eventually I had to update and bug fix residual installation stuff for quite a while. GPU rendering & pipelining is always a hassle to set up correctly - I am looking at you, Maxon. Updating the update app to update the available list of updates and then update everything to latest version (no joke, license software in a nutshell..) Add to that Creative Cloud being the Bonzi Buddy of constantly forcing closing stuff down and reopening again. Teh futuare is here.

It should be all set now, I hope.

Comments (8)

Posted: Friday, 24 May, 2024 @ 09:57 PM

A week already? Gosh, does time fly! They say the love you give is the love you receive, and I must say you've been one of the most enthusiastic entries in my limited tenure with the New Guard. We don't have many 3D modellers so you're definitely filling a niche, and with S-tier quality to boot. Llama Emoji 27 (Awesome) (V2)

Updating the update app to update the available list of updates and then update everything to latest version

Stephen Notley doesn't keep an archive of his blog posts and I wish I'd saved his Microsoft rant: "Oh, you think Windows exists for you to work? Poor, misled soul, Windows exists for the purpose of acquiring Windows Updates!.."

Posted: Saturday, 25 May, 2024 @ 12:15 AM

@Thorvald: Teal deer warning. I think you might like it though.

You are one of the truly good reasons I have decided to stay! I wouldn't if noone cares if I am around or not. That certainly happened in the past. Thank you for the kind words :3 I will work really hard to keep improving what I do.

I am enthusiastic because this site can provide me with enough tools to reinforce the glue that will help stick the community together as we go. While there are alternatives available, this site in particular is fitting the model much better than any other that I have seen. I can name several reasons, but - For one, having an established - and very fair - on site currency model that is going to allow me to help if commission artists on this platform started using it. Where there is an easilly accessible market, there is also a lof of organic creativity that can grow from that.

Once (or if) we have a set of custom options for profile pages, chances are on site commissions can start in small scale using credits. With that said - this all depends on what future plans are for these credits and what they can be used for. Trading them in for real money is hardly an option (unless BadKarma is a millionaire).

The blue print for building a large sustainable community that will attract more and more artists is already in place. If there is a market opportunity, it can bring plenty. It just needs polishing, tuning and a few clever decicions to get there.

Posted: Saturday, 25 May, 2024 @ 07:54 PM

@ragukokarn: Once again: Honoured to be of service. Llama Emoji-03 (Sparkles) (V1) 2020–21 witnessed the convergence of institutional incompetence/malice over multiple fronts, so finding S7 occupying a Goldilocks zone of cozy community and professional stewardship was the proverbial oasis, and I've dug in my heels to defend it. Having seen the "fav-and-forget" culture that developed on dA in the mid-2010s, I comment pretty liberally to keep up morale, though I fell into a deficit of correspondence soon after I was officially mod-badged last May, and even close friends have been backlogged for months. :x

Advertising is definitely a challenge. I operate an embassy on dA but marketing is decidedly not my forté; we had someone running the Facebook page but they dropped out several months ago. An option was recently added to gift Credits, but I never considered their potential as a peer-to-peer currency like dA Points! People have speculated an in-house marketplace, and once @BadKarma has cleared his current slate, it's probably worth a dedicated forum brainstorm.

Posted: Sunday, 26 May, 2024 @ 09:31 AM

@Thorvald: I don't want to pile on your work load all too much with constant replies, I see you all over the site adding a touch of "magic" here and there. Greeting new artists and commenting on many pieces. That is how you construct a community. It may not look like it always does a difference, but it is a HUGE one. This is part of the glue.that is and will be very important. You sure have a role perfectly fit for you :) You can consider artists being like seedlings. If you are there to nourish them, chances are they will grow. Without any notice, many of them stop growing and eventually vanish. Or find a new pot to grow in. It is not so much about exposure but rather someone actually taking intrest in what they do. Ofcourse I don't need to say any of that, you already know. I will do the same once I have more time on my hands. The site doesn't quite have all the tools needed for the job.

It is a little tricky to find out about active artists on this site, because the user directory with nearly 10.000 entries are all scattered over 20+ years, Some kind of filter would be nice.

I didn't know S7 had a base over on dA. This may become important aswell.

Posted: Sunday, 26 May, 2024 @ 09:22 PM

@ragukokarn: Big thank. Llama Emoji-10 (Shy) [V1] I know at least one user who may have given up on S7 due to lack of engagement, although they're a writer, and writers always seem to struggle on general art sites. I've tried to rein in my memeing to people with whom I've built a rapport, but sometimes I worry I can be too enthusiastic. :P

Posted: Monday, 27 May, 2024 @ 09:42 PM

@Thorvald: Yeah, we need to take care of writers too. And crafters. And cosplayers. All of them are welcome in a creative enviroment to add a mix of intresting ideas. 

No way there can ever be too much enthusiasm ;) Never heard of it.

I have been thinking about setting up a deviantart account just to host stuff that I can link to on here. Maybe I would also help promote this site with said account, but IIRC it is against the TOS.

(then, I guess deviantart doesn't care about anything no more, so..)

Posted: Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 @ 06:27 PM

@ragukokarn: Apart from blatant corporate advertising, I don't think there's a formal prohibition on plugging other sites. If there was, I know a handful of artists that wouldn't still be around. ;P

Posted: Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 @ 08:42 PM


The deed is done. I don't quite have the time and patience to start anything involved up on there right now. Other than having an account ready to go and joined the side7 group.



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