@ragukokarn || Journal Entry

Fifththhff week
22 Jun 2024, 05:47 PM

Dear princess Celestia. Today I learned something very important.
I am the best horse. That is all.

It should come as no surpise at this point I am going to post whatever mental thing comes to mind once a week. It is curated in the same way as fermenting something that would have been better fresh. Like surströmming. Look that up. I have absolutely no idea why that is a thing. On the behalf of other Swedes - I am deeply sorry we invented this rotten nasty crap for no reason what so ever. Utterly nonsensical. Truly sorry. 

I have much more creative ideas on what kind of disgusting rot we can sell, but I'll leave it for now.

Anyway, here we go again. I am relevant and cool for all ages so you all should read these. 

I had some incredibly silly things going on here, but I last minute swapped it for a sort of educational thing. These journals can be randomly informative now. 

What the helsinki is Zbrush? I keep yapping about some program that I am trying to work with and I realize not everyone knows what it is nor that something like this exists. 
Simply put, it is a clay sculpting simulator with a billion options. You work with models in the same principle way as in real life sculpting. Be it clay or harder materials. Building up, shaving off, squeezing, slicing, chisel, painting.. all of those things but doing so with digital tools. 

It doesn't sound particularly hard to do something like that (making a blob is super easy!), but clay and polygons are very different comparatively. It comes with a whole other set of things that it can do and can not do. I could go into endless details about all sorts of things related to this, but I just wanted the very basics here. If the WIP tutorials feature on side 7 can be used to explore this further, then I certainly could expand this topic if there is any intrest for it. Using Zbrush demands so much learning. It is the literal definition of health food for your brain.

For now, I will supply an in software screenshot with my highly custom UI settings that I find most useful so you get a sense of what it looks like. The program does not look like this by default though and it is expected (even part of the process and learning curve) to set things up a way that you want to have them. I would even say a necessity. Nobody ever uses the default settings for long because you are expected and encouraged to make your own setup. That makes any tutorials kind of hard to follow if you ever needed one, yeah..

On the left side is where the tools most suited for working with 3d modeling in a general sense are located. I added most of those there myself, because I could not for my life understand why you wouldn't want those fundamental tools easilly accessible instead of hidden inside a menu of a menu of a menu. Supposedly Zbrush users are a different kind of breed with an intelligence far from mine.

About my projects that I am now slowly fleshing out and soon can dedicate a lot of time to. You wanted epic? I'll give you epic.

Edit: pseudo cursing completely unnesecary.

So I now have 5 more days before I start my vacation. Literally everything is now a "yeah, I'll look into that after vacation" phenomenon. Regardless of urgency. I am not sure why some are upset.

Teal deer whatever. 

Cya next week with a vacation start bonanza thing (maybe)

Comments (4)

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2024 @ 09:52 PM

Like surströmming.

jeesh you went right there XD

it is a clay sculpting simulator

Oh wow. I never got into polygonal modelling but I have most certainly worked with clay (if mostly in school artrooms), so this I can wrap my head around. :P If-'n-when I'm caught up on the billion other things in the inbox I should give this a look—definitely won't say no to tutorials. HAV - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell

I am not sure why some are upset.

They pretend to pay us; we pretend to work. ;P

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2024 @ 08:39 PM


I started writing a bunch of stuff down in the style of Annoyed And Rather Salty Zbrush Nerd that I am slowly going to polish and add to as I go. It will definetly be different but also very much on point for what you need to know.

The first thing I wanted to do however before I go any deeper is to construct a reference guide that I will also share on side7 for another set of tools that I really can't find much (any) information about. I need it myself becuase I have no clue what these do unless I create an example mockup to remind me. Imagine having something like Photoshop but no way of seeing what a tool does or how it is supposed to work. Just a random name in an unsorted list that doesn't say anything. Like "SnakeHookBrush", "DecoBrush" or "CustomFilter III". You get a cryptic icon that only mystifies what the tool is doing or is supposed to accomplish. I believe this may be a world first guide of this particular set of features as I can't find anything anywhere on the 1nt3rn3tz about this. Nobody seem to be using these features a whole lot, but I think I found a hidden gem that will be very usefull (and potentially save you from paying Abobe for a niche software package to do the same job). This is where I have to start and it will take a few days work (oof) I believe. Hold on.

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2024 @ 09:07 PM

@ragukokarnGood grief. I expect open source to speak in tongues, but not a commerial product sold for money. HAV - Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Gozon

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2024 @ 10:57 PM

Some tutorials would be nice if you felt like making them! I've had interest in 3D modeling and tried an app for iPad, but couldn't figure it out. 

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