@ragukokarn || Journal Entry

Nein-th week
20 Jul 2024, 05:16 PM

I am Alice. Following the white rabbit. Tumbling head first down to wonderland.
Or "underland" if you are mr Burton.

XMD ToolBox. - Got it to organize my growing collection of assets for Zbrush.
Marmoset toolbag 4. - Trying this one out now! 
Autodesk Maya/3ds. - Sooner or later.
Marvelous designer.
Substance painter.
Clarisse. - If I ever find a few thousand dollars that I don't need 8)

3d modelling is the golf of the art world. Or polo.
I am more inclined to play bingo honestly.

What is Marmoset Toolbag?
It is a kind of strange combination between a real time render engine, scene creator and texture manipulator.
It also have some modelling tools - not sure how usefull that is.
The reason I got it (trial version) is because it does some really cool tricks with layers.
I already have a render engine that can do most of these things but not the texture process. 
You can mix materials and textures pretty much in any way you want and as many of them you want.
A brick wall and toasted bread combo with moss and rust? Sure.
Then there is also free hand painting tools that allows for detailing down to pixel level.
I am learning. If Zbrush is a mountain, the monkey programme is a bump in the road.
Creating a sample scene to show it off very soon.

The typical application for these is not hobbyist art.
Most of these are industry tools for game, vfx and product visualization development. In other words: for professionals. I am not intrested in working in the industry (too old of a boomer fart anyways) nor construct a portfolio for that but see the potential for other purposes where this is for good use.
It is surprisingly rare to see artists using these tools not for the carreer aspect of creativity. It does happen, don't at me.
Whenever you look up artists using these tools, you usually end up on Artstation portfolio page rather than deviantart, is my point.
I think there is an untapped source of things that could be used for "regular art".

Why couldn't I just stick to f#@%&$ MSPAINT?
Guess I am just a very dedicated idiot.

Comments (4)

Posted: Saturday, 20 July, 2024 @ 06:02 PM

3d modelling is the golf of the art world.

To paraphrase my Scottish friend's friend who works at the country club: Expropriating otherwise-useful land so that entitled [REDACTED]s can play the most boring game on the planet? :^)

I think there is an untapped source of things that could be used for "regular art".

I for one appreciate your sacrifice to chart these waters for the plebs. As mentioned before, my foray into 3D lasted about twenty minutes, but you're seriously tempting me to try picking it up again...

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 02:14 AM

@Thorvald: I was thinking more of the cost for software licenses to "play", but there is a point to be made with your comment aswell :)

Blender is just an install away :) I wouldn't be good at helping if you had questions about anything specific, but I guess generalities I could help with. As with all tools related to computer graphics - there is always a need to invent a pipeline for making it work sooner or later once you want more control over the output. It is just one of those things you end up doing. I guess that is kind of my expertice :D

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 08:12 PM

@ragukokarn: Luckily I know someone who blends, so no worries on that front.

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2024 @ 12:52 AM

@Thorvald: Nice :)

I feel like I need to kick it up a notch now. Let's push the limits of both software and hardware (and myself) for this next piece. My RTX is chilling too much, I don't like it.

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