Julie Ottosen

elements by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

I thought I would upload the piccy I did of the elements. I drew them seperate and then added them to the picture of my Ben and such on the tree. So yeah.. thought I'd show what they look like up close cuz you can't see them as well in the other piccy cuz they're smaller and all.. so here you go.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y127d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (30)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 09:39 PM

YAY!! First to comment. ^^ This piccy is really cool. I like the Ice one. (it is ice, right?) I've been looking at your art for a long time, I just never commented. Um, all of your work is really good, by te way.

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 09:43 PM

Um, no, I think it's water...ice....no, water, yup, most definatly water. It still looks great though. (the other 2 do, too)

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 09:48 PM

Also its not Rover like in the other message I posted on the picture before.My friend changed it when she wanted to see it and changed it. This one is very nice.I started to make something like this.Also my friend knows its a made up but she doen't care.Its fun saying it to the teachers and such.

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 09:51 PM

Growls Well I ish second << Julie! XD This is very good, elements combining ish very cool. I lufferz all o them ^^ This is a great piccy of yours. Keep up the great work! Bwaha! XD Uhm, yeah... oO; ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 10:03 PM

O.O I luve the coloring! The green one I believe is Arda, no? Anyway.. how the heck do you do they're eyes? So cool.. I ought to try that on one of mai charas.. hehe

I have another question (xD) On the other pic.. where do you get the elven words? Do you go to some elf site or something? looks up elves.com XD

Posted: Wednesday, 12 February, 2003 @ 11:00 PM

Wow, this is awesome! I really like the tree Lupe, he must have taken hours to color him in. The fire and water Lupes are great too, they also show breathtaking detail.

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:22 PM

Thanx. ^^;;; It didn't really take me THAT long, but I guess when I'm into doing a picture and such that I really like, I don't think about the time that it took. But yes, it did take me awhile to get it all done. ^^; Thanx

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 12:21 AM

coolness! i like the soo much, but you should draw an air element thingy! that could be coolneess as well! also, what abput ice?

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:15 PM

Ice is water, that lupe is water, so there is not point in doing Ice. Also, that lupe is an element of water and wind, hence part of her doesn't show up as much. It's a lot more complicated, and you also have to realize.. These are NOT my characters, I just know about them cuz they're my friends and they're envolved in something..... but that's for me to know about and for you to remain continuously curious about. XP hehe.

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 07:13 AM

-Tackles- So cool! Me and Berreh -points at neo-sister- have elemental Kougies! Except their like elemntal gods, and made up of two elements, Night's fire and thunder, Augla's (his mate) ice and earth...their daughter Bani is Light and Fall is Darkness...not that anybody wanted to know. But the flames look wicked, and the leaves, it all looks wicked! Only thing is that the fire one sorta vanishes behind the other two, although you can see one paw the rest of him seems to vanish...it's probably just me..-hides from rotten vegatables-

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:13 PM

You're quick Claire. Yes, the fire one, Tanya does disappear like that on purpose. If you'll read my explination on this picture here, you'll see that it's just to show you these characters closer up of them that is on the other picture w/ my Ben. I made her disappear like that, cuz where they are in the final picture is darker and smaller, so there was no need for all that detail, cuz they sorta fade into the background. So even though you meant well, trust me, i know what I was doing. Thanx.

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 10:21 AM

Didnt you have a piccy of some kind of "Tree"-Lupe already? Or am I mixing you up with another artist? XP

Are you going to add more elemental Lupes btw? Cause that would be kewl.. Still a huge art fan of yours HUGZ

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:12 PM

Yes, that's Arda, same 'lupe' in this picture. Same all around. I just did this for that other picture colaboration thing of him and his sisters... so there you are. it's the same dog, so no worries. XP

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 03:04 PM

Wowowowowow!!!I love them!!Maybe maybe,you can do a wind one?Just sugggesting.newayz,i love love love it!!

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:17 PM

The water one there is actually also a mixture of air as well. She's a water AND wind element. (I was informed this by their creators). So there you go. No need, cuz she's right there.

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 05:57 PM

stares Neeheeheat! tackles Tanya, gets singed Owww... I really luff the elemental lupehs. Was it Eve and Jo who created them? Or... maybe it was Eve and Erin... dies No, wait, I think it was Eve and Jo... coughs I lurve the way you made Arda's legs look like tree trunks! Was that the creator's idea, or just somefink you decided to add on? ^^ Oh, and, people, if you want more elemental lupes, you can invent them yourself. No, really, I'm not kidding! XD I think that these three just about cover all the elements^^ Except stone... But who would want a stone lupeh? ...rambles on and on Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah...

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 06:41 PM

Stone isn't an element though. But yeah.. anyways... um.. thanx! Actually the tree trunk like stuff for legs was the creators idea, sub it was me who figured out how to make them work. XD;; And yes, they're Eve and Jo's chars. ^^;; But yes.. seriously ppl.. you want more elements, feel free to invent! Just don't ask ME to draw them. lol.

But.. the elements here represent ALL of the elements.. Tanya represents light, dark, fire, death... Arda is trees, plants, life... and Paluure is Water, wind and.. some more stuff I'm sure.. lol. I also ask.. don't copy names here ppl... try to think of your own. XP

Anyshmoo.. thanx Cloudy!! ^^

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 08:44 PM

Ooo! Thanks for putting up the picture of just them! Being able to see them bigger lets one appreciate the details more ; ) You really really rawk Julie. : D

As for Paluure, I know she has 3 forms 2 of which are wind and water...And I think the third is blossoms....Or...Something...::hides:: I should remember! lol!

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 02:48 AM

oh..yeah...i'm only 12! are you gonna do a bg?

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 03:52 PM

Again, for I think the 3rd time.. this picture is up here to ONLY show you what these chars look like close up. The final version of them is in the picutre of my lupe Ben and the elven writing and such. There IS a background on this. So this doesn't need one, for as I said already... this is just to show what they look like up close so you can see the detail and stuff. Okay? Okay.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 03:32 PM

Why thats nice.. you answer everyone elses question and not mine.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 03:53 PM

Don't make me tell you to shut up Sharon. ¬¬

Go here to download the font: http://www.sci.fi/~alboin/tengwartutorial.htm

Once you do that, you have to do a search on your comp for where it's saved, then you have to 'unzip' the file and THEN you can put it into your fonts file and it will show up with the rest of your fonts. (I finally figured it out.. XD;;; )

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 05:44 AM

Ooooohhhh! This is awsome Julie! I didn' even nptice them on the picture at first, I had to go back and look. Anywho, this is the kooest! I like the fire one best! ^_^ Fire is my fav. element anywho, WONDERFUL work! =D

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 02:02 PM

Cloudy am I really that transparent?? Oo; anyway... ok... yeah... Tanya is: dark, fire (her name...), light, and death Arda: creatures (animals and other living beings), earth plants, and life.... he's even got like.. 4 different looks... and ooo wow! said sarcastically Hey! there's... gasp 4 seasons... go figure... =P so yeah... the one u ses him in is his Summer look... stylish ain't he? wink Paluure: (her name means Blossoms of the Air and Sea... figure it out!) the "Blossoms" part signifies Love too btw... and a bit of earth... but not much... (has to do with her 3 forms...) the form Jule's drew her in is her water, and Air form... (duh) more water tho... and also the ----gets cut off by Jo ok ok ok I won't say what's the significant thingy about her forms.... anyway, hope that helps ppl out and stops poor dear and wonderful Julie from having to repeatedly answer the "Hey is that.....?" stuff...

ok... onto my piccy praising ^^ I LOVE THIS PICCY!!!!! huggles the trio ^^ hehehee and i like how you did all 3 of them ^^ much better then my mind's eye picture i had in... well.. my mind... Oo' so yeah... glees ^^

OH and if ppl would like to know ABOUT them more... u can possibly neomail me on neopets... vball_eve

no garentees i'll be answering your question completely tho... they still have to be all mysterious... <.< >.>

well.. for now anyway....

got it? yes? no? maybe? TOO BAD!! =P need the user name again? look/scroll up then silly =D

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 06:07 PM

they all are sooo pretty !my fav is the water one. But i can't think of her name( and to that ¤ç æ ~Ana*Banana~ ¤ç æ shudders at bananas go to http://www.grey-company.org , they have a list of words and writing

Posted: Wednesday, 19 February, 2003 @ 11:12 AM

this is a really kewl piccy and i really love the water element thingy it reminds me of sucine from pokemon (I only know cos my baby sis is pokemon mad)

Posted: Friday, 21 February, 2003 @ 10:05 PM

OMG!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOOOOOO FU1N GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sunday, 23 February, 2003 @ 11:43 AM

I really love your pictures! And the great thing is if the fire lupe sets the tree one on fire you always have the water one to put it out!

Posted: Monday, 24 February, 2003 @ 03:11 PM

I luv this pic!!!!! It's sooooo kewl! How do u draw like that? U just hav to tell me! Plz!!?


Posted: Tuesday, 27 May, 2003 @ 08:08 PM

I really like this picture. Which makes me wonder who would say you can't draw i mean gees, just cuz they don't have talent doesn'tmean take it out on real artists. Nyways I know fire, earth, water/wind are the elements here but maybe is there a thunder element you probably answered this but I was curious because if you drew one it would be soo kewl.

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