
Vacation 2: WIP This is the girl
Vacation 2: WIP This is the girl by @ragukokarn

Sneaky peaky. Dum-da-dum. Daddadadadaa-dum-da-dum.

I don't know if I should share these steps in learning or not. I myself think it is a little intresting to go back and see later how progression was made. Now I figured out several key elements that I am going to use for the future. The base mesh is structurally broken, so I need to make a better one still. We got nodes and displacement maps and curves and anchor brushes and skin extraction and IES light profiles.. and we are just getting started. There is another tool that I am not sure how to work with that will become absolutely necessary - "transpose master". 

That clothing is shite, but I am figuring that part out soon enough. I guess the absurdity of this unfinished piece is also kind of valid in a contextual way :)

Maybe I will finish this with all the pizzazz I wanted. So many hours of work left oof.

Shall I?

5d22m ago
Other Work By @ragukokarn

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Thursday, 04 July, 2024 @ 06:23 PM

My lizard brain says dewit, my rational brain asks do you think you can do it? HAV - James Naismith

And I think I know someone with that clock. :O

Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2024 @ 08:08 PM

@Thorvald: Ok, I will try. One of the things I still have not wrapped my head around is how to do the transposition correctly. I think I need that first because otherwise I will need to decide on exact pose and posture before even starting next project. I am equipped with tools for post sculpt posing purposes but I don't understand them yet and T-posing is simply not something with much use outside sculpting itself for me :(



Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2024 @ 10:11 PM


T-posing is simply not something with much use

Asserting dominance, surely..? HAV - Albert, Prince Consort

Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2024 @ 10:52 PM

@Thorvald: Hah! I guess that works :) Or I could do a shrug fairly easy based on that pose. Seems a little limited perhaps. I did learn how to sort of make it work now. It certainly is not perfect and breaks the geometry quite a bit. But it is better than static posing. What I was looking for is actually called "Delta Mush" and Zbrush does not have that from what I can tell, so repairing broken geometry it is then. 

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