
Vacation 1: The lady with the red hair
Vacation 1: The lady with the red hair by @ragukokarn

She looks mighty disintrested in my shenanigans.

Yeah, so it is not great. I've never done this sort of free style without reference (none!) portraiture in Zbrush before, so I think that is as good of an excuse as any. I forced myself through the whole process from the first set of blobby polygons all the way to fibre mesh. I didn't even get a skin material for this - all painted manually ontop of "clay".
That is what practice and learning is all about. If it is harder than what I have capacity for there is real skill acquired.
Despite not even knowing how to do something like this when I started I was determined enough to do it anyways. Sorta.

Because Zbrush is assh*leware, some random function that was accidently turned on kept me from polishing any more. I wanted to keep working but it just kept messing up. Skin pores and eyelashes are not present because of that.. for example.
I don't even know how to googal for a solution because I don't know what to call it :D

Fibre meshes - especially long ones - are so complicated to get good results from, you really need a professional way of dealing with those that are not simply applying them directly on a scalp. I came up with a very good one that I certainly will come back to now that I know I can crank those numbers up a lot more. Rendered in Zbrush only because fibers are beyond complicated to export without a whole other can-of-worms-workflow.

There will be a character likeness sculpt later when I have a better base mesh that I can work with. 

Rough / Concept
4d20h ago
Other Work By @ragukokarn

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Monday, 01 July, 2024 @ 08:55 PM

Hair: the bane of 3D modelling. Apparently Pixar's Brave was in the pipeline for years while they waited for the technology to catch up to a capable level. :B

Posted: Tuesday, 02 July, 2024 @ 06:16 AM

@Thorvald: I can imagine that. Never thought much about it before but I now realize artistic stylization may actually be due to tool limitation at its core. There are ways to funnel one thing to the next (obviously) but it is not a very straight forward process to say the least. Hair is one of those things.

Like most problems in the 3d art world - to do X you need a plugin to create Y and convert to Z to construct A with B elsewhere and C being the residual work as the conversion breaks something along the way that may or may not be easily fixed. So depending on what kind of scene I want to make from here on; I need to think of what order to assemble it in. It's almost like they didn't want this to be easy.. hmm.. :)


Posted: Tuesday, 02 July, 2024 @ 07:57 PM

@ragukokarnGod created CGI to test the faithful!

I know one of the first sacrifices an artist makes translating a comic to animation is detail. As per Einstein: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."

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